Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog Tour Review feat Q&A & Giveaway- Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5) by S.C. Stephens!!!

Publisher: Forever
Expected Publication Date: February 24, 2015
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Source: E-ARC
Rating: 5 Stars

In Thoughtless, Kiera told her story. Now it's time to hear from the sexy rock star who captivated us all . . .
The only place Kellan Kyle has ever felt at home is onstage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around three things: music, his band mates, and hot hookups. Until one woman changes everything . . . Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting-smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction . . . until Kiera's own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing-he won't let Kiera go without a fight.


"It’s better to never say goodbye, to just move on, to end the lie."

   I...need a minute. No seriously, I do! This was absolutely GUT-WRENCHING. And hot. Yes, very hot indeed. What is it about the "forbidden" that makes us so damn turned on. Just me? I loathe cheating ( I mean who in their right mind likes it) but ever since I read Thoughtless, it's not that I condone it, but... I can see where two people have a strong connection that they can't help themselves. Again, I don't condone it. I know how it feels, and it makes you feel like crap. Still, I think in this case Keira should have manned up and told Denny. It's what I would have done. But what kind of story would it have been if that happened?

Thoughtless has been my number favorite book since I first read it a couple of years ago. I wish I could forget it so that I'd have a chance to read it all over again for the first time. The "first" time (heheh) was magical. No pun intended. I stayed up until the wee hours of the night so engrossed and so in love with the one and only Kellan Kyle. Even now, I still think about my favorite parts of the story. I felt every single emotion possible; love, guilt, jealousy...the list can go on and on. I felt it all. From Keira's pov I could feel where she'd be torn. I like Keira and I realize that I'm probably one of the many few that do like her. But my goodness, I HATED her in Thoughtful. Even though I remember what she was thinking while she was breaking Kellan's heart, I never pictured what he was thinking.

Until now. 
"She was supposed to choose me. Why did she never choose me?"

 Kellan's story starts of with a bang. In this case, it was heartbreaking. We get to see his earlier life when his parents were alive. The abuse he had to face just beaks me. It isn't fair. How anyone can NOT love him, is just flabbergasting to me. His own mother... It's no wonder he looks for "love" in all the wrong places. At least now he's got his family, the D-Bags. But there's still something missing.

Then he sees Keira, and the rest is history. I won't go into a recap because if you're reading this review, well, hopefully you'd have already read Thoughtless and know everything that's happening. It's all the same (with some new ones as well) scenes but we see them from different eyes. In my opinion I didn't feel as if I were reading the "same" book. To me this one was completely different because the heartbreak is so much more real from the other side.

The feels is a real thing you guys. It's so real that I feel it deep in my bones! How will any book ever measure up? The passion and desperation evoked makes you ache with need. The need to keep reading and love these characters for all their worth. 
"I'm in love with you. You gave yourself to me, then ran right back to him. You. Killed. Me."

What's really left for there to say? From Denny's pov this is a f**cked up story. I mean it's still pretty messed up but for the life of me I just can't help but love this story. SC Stephens has beautifully yet tragically told us the workings of a true "love triangle". She pulled off such a taboo subject and made me adore it.

The Thoughtless series will always hold a place in my heart and I hope that people can go into the story with an open mind. Plus, it's Kellan Kyle! What's not to love about him?! So damn intense!
Special Note to S.C.- You are by far my favorite author and I love the way you bring out emotions and all the feels. Please never stop what you do. You've got a fan for life<3
*Review copy received from publishers in exchange for an honest review. It has in no way had an impact on my rating or opinions. They are all my own.  

Exclusive Q&A

1. What are Kellan and Kiera exchanging for Valentine’s Day this year? 
They’re very busy, so time alone together is what they cherish most.

2. How has music played a role in your life and in your writing? 
Music gives me ideas, and is basically the reason for Kellan’s existence. I “saw” him singing every song I listened to on the radio. I fell in love with him long before I wrote his story.

3. Many readers say Kellan was the first/favorite book boyfriend. What do you think appeals to readers about him? I think it’s a mixture of his job, his past, his looks, his pain, and the fact that he is so incredibly devoted to the people he cares about. 

4. If Kellan and Kiera’s relationship had a theme song, what would it be? 
There are so many good ones, but I always find myself going back to I Can’t Not Love You by Every Avenue.

5. Do you have any hobbies or activities that you enjoy outside of writing? 
I’m a group fitness junkie. I live for my step class! And I’m starting to get into lifting weights, which means I’m sore. A lot. I love that feeling though. I also love sitting on my butt and watching movies all day. Movie-marathon weekends are my favorite!

About S.C. Stephens

S. C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.  In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family.  She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest. 

S.C. Stephen’s SM:


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This song by Mayday Parade really speaks to me and when I heard it, I couldn't help but think of Kellan.



  1. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win such an amazing prize and Good Luck Everyone!

  2. <3 Kellan!!! THANK YOU so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. AH-MAZ-ING giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!! Good luck everyone, someone is going to be very happy!! 💖💖😘


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