Tacet a Mortuis, the third installment in Amo Jones's Romantic Suspense Elite Kings Series is AVAILABLE NOW!

Hail to the king, and watch him reign, this game was somewhat fun, until the finale came…
Now we’re here, with carnage and despair, and the only questions left to answer, are the ones that do not appear...
A king loses a war, and a swan sheds her wings, chaos collides with peace, as the crows begin to sing…
Enter if you dare, because I swear the end is near, but nothing is as it seems, and everything is so bare.
So what the f*ck is going on at Riverside,
I think, I think... everyone is about to die....

Omggggg! I’m positively GIDDY! These books just keep getting better and better. I did it again—I started a book that I only wanted to read a few pages on. Well a few pages turned to several and before I knew it, I was done. Then there’s this bonus deleted scene at the end of the book that has me feeling all kinds of love and fucked up. Because it was hot as SHIT!
Anyways, before my whole review becomes just me talking about that deleted scene... I’ll talk to you a bit about the book. Tacet a Mortuis starts off where Broken Puppets ended. For those of you that read it, you already know all about how Ms. Jones left us hanging! For real, my mouth dropped at the end of that story.
Madison and Bishop are the main couple of the story. Don’t be fooled though, every single character in the series is important. I’ve grown to love them all as if they were my family. So, while some may think that this has a bunch of aide characters, don’t. They all have stories to tell. There’s one I particularly need to know about between a certain sexy manwhore. Plus, Madison has an amazing best friend, Tatum.
There were so many secrets, betrayals, sex, unrequited love, and oh man, the darkness of these books are what make them so addicting. Bishop is...something else. No words could ever describe how amazingly well written he is. Mr. Broody has so many shades to him that I’m always surprised when he’s given a little bit more of himself to us.
Overall, if you’re into dark, sex-positive, and realistic and flawed characters, please go and buy the first book if you haven’t already. I’m already anticipating the continuation of the series!
*Thank you to the author for providing a copy for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Grab Your Copy Today!
Amazon - http://amzn.to/2EHeTo4
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Start the series today and purchase The Silver Swan!
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Apple - https://apple.co/2gBmSTs
Kobo - http://bit.ly/2g9cOoC
B&N - http://bit.ly/2yMVcDF

About Amo Jones
Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.
New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.
Follow Amo Jones
Website: http://www.amojonesbooks.com/
Join my Wolf Pack: https://www.facebook.com/groups/10114...
Instagram: thatcrazykiwiauthor
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