Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Tour/Blitz Excerpt feat Giveaway- Grit of Berth and Stone by Lisa Dunn

Grit of Berth and Stone
by Lisa Dunn 
Release Date: 03/17/15
Anaiah Press
256 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Banished for a foolish mistake, sixteen-year-old Grit of Berth and Stone scorns the loss of her home, her honor, and her only ally. Only the weak worry about such things.

But war is brewing all across Chasmaria, and as a group of rebels pull Grit into their ranks, she begins to question what strength, courage, and honor really look like. When faced with a horrible truth about herself, Grit must either fight her way back to Thresh or live with the blood of the innocent on her hands.

One bright, moonlit night, dreams of a golden-haired sireling disturbed Grits slumber. He was chasing her to the sea. She dove into the water, but it was warm, not cold.
She woke in a sweat. Throwing aside her blanket, she walked into the clear air outside the cave. She sat on a log before the fire, stoking the flames till they rose and crackled in the quiet night. As she watched the dancing flames, Grit forced her mind to empty of all her past experiences. 

She willed her memories into the middle of the fire and imagined the flames consuming them, one by one, until every last memory of Thresh wafted away in the fires smoke. There went Turf and his taunting sneer, Dame Dara with her unjustified disdain, Sage Brakken, Sires Pierce and Swot. Sire Stone struggled to remain in her memory, circling her with an approving eye during her last training session. Slate, Seal, Oath, Talon... All of them into the fire and gone. Grit clenched her teeth and drew her dagger.

There was Dame Berth, easing her dagger from its sheath and placing it in Grits hands after her Twelfth Branding. “Use it honorably. This weapon wasnt meant for spineless babes.”

Grit twirled the dagger between her fingers and aimed for the fire. Her arm swung to rid herself of Dame Berth, but at the last moment, her hand wrapped tightly around the dagger. Its my dagger, not hers. I wont throw away whats rightfully mine. She sheathed her dagger and willed Dame Berth into the fire.

Yet there were some memories that refused her attempts to cast them into the flames, and no amount of screaming, “To Grit!” would compel them into the fire. Coil would not abdicate his place in her memory, and all Grits efforts to dethrone him served only to reinforce his position.

Coil waited in the meetinghouse, among the throng gathered for her Sixth Branding. He scowled over Dame Berths fence, telling Grit shed planted the potatoes all wrong. He laughed on the training field, raising a sword too large for his thirteen-year-old frame and daring her to nick him with the dagger shed just inherited.

 He lingered in every corner of Thresh, challenging her to race him to the Western Sea. And he was in the Western Sea, his jubilant face turned toward the sun, his arms stretched out, his body unguarded.
“To Grit! To Grit! To Grit!” Her throat burned from the refrain, but still Coil was in her tree, his hands inches from her feet.

In a rage, Grit threw her stick against a tree, dumped the contents of her pack, and ran to the creek that passed near her cave. Her knuckles scraped against the rocky creek bed as she pulled the pack through the water.

“To Grit, to Grit, to Grit...” she muttered as she doused her fire.
Her fingers bleeding, she crammed her blanket into the still dripping bag and stomped into the moonlit night.

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About the Author
As a child, Lisa Dunn fell asleep to her father’s fanciful bedtime tales and played with her own story ideas during the daylight hours. She now resides in a small southern town with her husband, four children, and an ever-changing assortment of pets. Local librarians habitually thank her for their job security.

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Book Blitz feat Giveaway- Freefall by Zara Cox

Come take a trip and fly in the infamous and sexily scandalous Indigo Lounge and meet Keely & Mason, in FREEFALL by Zara Cox.
Thanks for stopping by and helping celebrate the latest Indigo Lounge novel, FREEFALL, by Zara Cox with the week-long blitz! One lucky reader will win a $50 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card AND a digital copy of one of Zara’s backlist titles.  TWO lucky readers will win a $15 gift card and a digital copy of one of Zara’s backlist titles.  We hope you have a sexy flight in the Indigo Lounge!

FREEFALL (The Indigo Lounge Series) #5

Keely Benson:
Nineteen. The age I threw my life away.
Twenty-Five. The age I decided to try it a second time.
Twenty-Five plus one day. The age Benedict Mason Sinclair III walked into my life.

Mason Sinclair III:
She was a curse. 
A sex bomb. 
A perfect reminder that not having a heart was the best choice I ever made.

Orion’s Belt. CassiopeaUrsa Minor—

I feel him approach but I keep my gaze upward, searching feverishly for that which grounds me. Refusing to let the consternation take over. 

I am above that. I am woman. I am strong. The blush grows from my neck and covers my cheeks, my face. Damn it. 

“What the hell do you want?”

It’s thirty-six degrees out here, without the wind chill. I figured you could use a blanket,” his deep, growly voice says behind me.

As if reminded that I’m barefoot on a beach in Montauk in late February, my body immediately sends distress signals to my brain. I shiver so hard, I nearly upend myself.

He steps closer. 

“I don’t need a damn blanket. If I wanted one, I’d have brought one with me.” I lift the bottle of vintage Oenotheque Dom Perignon clutched in my right hand to my mouth and take a huge, bracing gulp.

Fuck yeah. 

My best friend, Bethany Green, just got officially engaged to the catch of the century and the love of her life. Personally, Zachary Savage wasn’t my type—all that caveman, possessive shit just gets on my nerves. But they are ecstatically happy. He worships the ground she walks on, and after the year she’s had and the snippets of his past I’ve become privy to, they deserve a little, no make that a lot, of happy.
And if a small part of me was jealous of all that happiness, I intended to drawn it dead with a little help from Dom P. As soon as this intruder, the reason for me blushing like a damn schoolgirl virgin, went away.

“The reason I came out here, Einstein, was to be alone. So if you don’t mind…?” I dangle the question, seeing if he’d take the bait. If not, I intend to shove it down his throat.

“Take the blanket. Then I’ll leave,” he says again. This time I’m not sure if my shiver is to do with the ridiculously low temperatures, or his voice. Whatever.

“Fine.” I sigh and reach out my left hand behind me. I don’t want to turn around. 

Because I don’t want to see his face. 

The things I just said in Bethany’s kitchen weren’t embarrassing in and of themselves. Hell, I talk about my vagina all the time. I feel zero embarrassment for that part. It’s the desperation, the fear, the neediness as I’d clung to my best friend while I prattled nonsense that makes me not want to face the man behind me.

Available at: Amazon   Barnes & Noble  Kobo  iBooks  Goodreads

Author Bio:
Zara Cox has been writing for almost twenty-five years but it wasn’t until nine years ago that she decided to share her love of writing sexy, gritty stories with anyone outside her close family (the over 18s anyway!). The Indigo Lounge Series is Zara’s next step in her erotic romance writing journey and she would love to hear your thoughts.
Connect with Zara:  


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Release Blitz feat Giveaway:
Shadows and Lies by Eden Butler!!!!

Title: Shadows & Lies (Shadows, #1)
Author: Eden Butler
Genre: Romantic Suspense | Mystery
Release Date: March 26, 2015


One lie can change your life.

A web of lies can destroy it.

Neil Ryan was a good Navy SEAL. He was an even better detective, but when an unmarked envelope lands on his desk, long-buried secrets are resurrected and Ryan questions everything he thought he knew about justice, including who killed his mother.

Alex Black is a distraction Ryan doesn’t need—she’s loud, obnoxious and a common thief, but her eyes are haunting, her lips irresistible and Ryan happens to love her filthy mouth.

Alex is also the only one able to help Ryan find the leads he's missing. She's the only one who can lead him to the one person who has the answers he seeks, but following her could cost Ryan everything.

Secrets get told, lives get wrecked and in every shadow, the truth is hiding.

Buy the Book

Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes

About The Author:

Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” launched in October 2013 and quickly became an Amazon bestseller.

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football.

She is currently living under teenage rule alongside her husband in southeast Louisiana.

Please send help.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blog Tour Review feat Giveaway- Shh! By Stacey Nash

Shh! (Oxley College #1)
Release Date: 02/23/15

Summary from Goodreads:
Nineteen-year-old Olivia Dean has the perfect reputation, the perfect boyfriend, and an increasingly perfect CV. She has it all, until Christian breaks up with her in public, calling her out as a self-gratifying sexoholic: the kind that plays solo. But Olivia doesn’t masturbate all night — the only thing she does is sleep … right?

Now all the boys on campus seem to want her attention for the absolutely wrong reason — including resident hottie, Logan Hays. He's pulling out his best moves to gain her attention, so resisting his sexy charm is hard work. With rapidly slipping grades, a disturbingly lurid reputation and demanding parents, Olivia must discover the truth behind her rumoured sleeping problem. If she doesn't, the perfect life she's worked so hard for may slip away, including the one person who has Olivia breaking all her rules — Logan.

What do you do when you’re asleep?

Shh! is a story about acceptance, learning to trust and in turn love while facing life's unexpected difficulties.

NB: This book is of a mild heat level, and contains no explicit sex scenes.


My thoughts as soon as finishing up Shh! is that I liked it but I didn't exactly love it. It was interesting enough to keep my interest throughout but I can't see myself reading the book again. I couldn't relate to the main character and her problem. And more importantly, I couldn't see why people would even make fun of her for it. Or maybe I could, but it's not something I would make fun of someone for. Anyways, Olivia is humiliated when her boyfriend, Christian, publicly breaks up with her for pretty much masturbating all night in her sleep. He claims he can't vet get any sleep. Rightttttt. Then she meets Logan!

Logan seems different; special even. But could Olivia even trust him when everyone on campus thinks she's a big joke. One really admirable thing about Olivia is that she holds her head in divinity despite what she's going through. I really liked that about her. If it were me causing all kinds of negative attention, I'd probably handle it by becoming a recluse. While Liv wants to do that, she somehow always manages to come out on top. 

So Logan and Olivia. Obviously boy wants more but the girl doesn't. Secretly she does want him but it goes back to square one, trust. Sure, Logan is all great on the outside but what are his true intentions? I really loved their friendship and their banter. The slow build of the relationship between the two was great too. 

The characters were fun to read about even if I didn't connect much to Olivia. The secondary characters were great and I look forward to reading their stories! The plot was a bit dramatic and a little unbelievable bit like I said before, it still kept me interested. The pacing was fast and easy. You'll finish the book in no time at all! 

Overall, the book was okay. If your looking for a non-serious book that has some great characters and will keep you engaged; then this is for you. I personal couldn't connect with Olivia but that doesn't mean I didn't like her. Her character growth is one that enjoyed watching.  

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About the Author
Stacey Nash writes adventure filled stories for Young Adults in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. She loves to read and write books that have a lot of adventure, a good dose of danger, a smattering of romance, and KISSING! Hailing from the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, she loves nothing more than immersing herself in the beauty and culture of the local area.
She also loves to blog is a co-founder and a contributor at Aussie Owned and Read, a blog designed for readers and writers of young adult and new adult fiction.
Her debut novel Forget Me Not released with HarperCollins Impulse in 2014 and was soon followed by the sequel, Remember Me. 2015 brings an Aussie set New Adult romance, the Oxley College Saga; Shh! and Wait!

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Book Tour Organized by:


Saturday, March 21, 2015

ARC Review: City Love by Susane Colasanti

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Expected Publication Date: April 21, 2015
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
Source: Print ARC
Rating: 4 Stars

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Sadie, Darcy, and Rosanna are living together in New York City the summer before their freshman year of college begins. With no parents, no rules, and an entire city to explore, these three girls are on the verge of the best summer of their lives.

Sadie is a native New Yorker. She is hopeful, romantic, and an eternal optimist who is ready to find her soul mate. Then she meets her dream boy: cute, funny, and quirky in all the right ways. The chemistry between them is unreal. Could he be the one?

Darcy is a free spirit from SoCal with rebellious tendencies and unlimited financial resources. Moving to New York City is just another adventure for her. Darcy wants this summer to be all about boy adventures—nothing serious. But how much fun is too much?

Rosanna leaves Chicago for NYC so she can put her past behind her and reinvent herself. The only thing standing in her way is the grand total of seventy-three cents she has saved. Then she meets a guy who wants to show her the glamorous side of New York—a side that she would never get to experience on her own. If Rosanna doesn't resist, she may find herself in city love.

Told from alternating points of view, City Love captures the moments in each girl's life when everything is thrilling, amazing, and terrifying all at once . . . in a way it will never be again.

 Endings like the one in City Love are the reason I love reading. Sure, cliffhangers can be somewhat annoying but I enjoy the anticipation. It just makes me that much more excited for book two! In this wonderful contemporary romance, we follow the lives of three girls who could be more different from each other. They're roommates and they all become fast friends.

 Each girl is given their own stories involving three separate men. Sadie is the hopeless romantic, Darcy is the wild child, and Rosanna is the practical one. I liked being able to be in the girl's head and loved being able to see how they dealt with love and drama. I enjoy Colasanti's contemporary novels because they're easy to relate to. Of course, she always writes swoon-worthy boys. That always helps!

Sadie. I really loved her to begin with, although at times, her views on love got on my nerves. She's one of those girl's who believes in fairy tales and the like. Which there isn't anything wrong with that in the least but the guy she meets, Austin, is too perfect. If it feels too good to be true, then it probably is. She meets Austin at her internship and the two make googly eyes at each other right away. But I knew something was very fishy about him. He never wanted to take her to his home in Jersey City. The reason? Well, obviously you need to read the book to find out what's going on!

Darcy was freaking amazing! I'm not a free spirit in the least and have never been one of those girls to just "hook-up" with someone I just met and then be done with them. Darcy makes it look easy and fun. She's reeling from a bad break up from back in her hometown in California. She was in love and was totally blindsided right before she was leaving for school in New York. Her views on love are skewered; more realistic than Sadie. She has some flings in the story and then meets a street magician who is adorable. He may want more though...

 Rosanna's storyline was probably my favorite. She's a poor girl who meets this insanely beautiful, rich man. Oh, did I mention that he goes against everything she believes in? Rosanna wants to make the world a better place but she just can't help herself when she falls for the man who is all about the money. I felt like Rosanna could be very judgmental at times; it's explained why she can be so closed off. I totally got her.

 I, for one,can't wait to get to the second book just to see what happens with everyone. All the storylines ended in such gasp-like moments that you can't help but want to wait impatiently for the next book. If you're a young adult fan or a Susane fan, you don't want to miss out on her new series.

Review copy received from publisher for an honest review. All opinions are my own!! 

About the Author:
 Susane Colasanti is the bestselling author of When It Happens, Take Me There, Waiting for You, Something Like Fate, So Much Closer, Keep Holding On, All I Need, and Now and Forever. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree from New York University. Before becoming a full-time author in 2007, Susane was a high school science teacher for ten years. She lives in New York City.

The first book of Susane's City Love trilogy will be released on April 21, 2015.

You can connect with Susane on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and Instagram.

Buy Links:
Amazon US  
Amazon UK 
Barnes and Noble

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cover Reveal feat Giveaway:
Misconduct by Penelope Douglas!!!!

*Pre-order links*

Title: Misconduct
Author: Penelope Douglas
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 1, 2015
Cover Reveal Organized By: As The Pages Turn


Former tennis player Easton Bradbury is trying to be the best teacher she can be, trying to reach her bored students and trying to forget her past. What brought her to this stage in her life isn’t important. She can’t let it be. But now one parent-teacher meeting may be her undoing…

Meeting Tyler Marek for the first time makes it easy for Easton to see why his son is having trouble in school. The man knows how to manage businesses and wealth, not a teenage boy. Or a young teacher, for that matter, though he tries to. And yet…there is something about him that draws Easton in—a hint of vulnerability, a flash of attraction, a spark that might burn.

Wanting him is taboo. Needing him is undeniable. And his long-awaited touch will weaken Easton’s resolve—and reveal what should stay hidden…


About The Author:

Penelope Douglas is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Fall Away series. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Science in Education from Loyola University in New Orleans. Penelope lives in Las Vegas with her family.

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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