Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Blog Tour Review - The Losers Club by Andrew Clements

Publisher: Random House for Young Readers 
Published: August 29, 2017
Genre: Middle Grade
Source: Print ARC
Rating: 4 Stars

Alec can’t put down a good book. So when Principal Vance lays down the law—pay attention in class, or else—Alec takes action. To make sure he doesn't lose his reading time, he starts a new club: The Losers Club. A club he intends to be the only member of. Who would join a club called the Losers Club? But when more and more kids find their way to the Losers Club, including the former friend who's been bullying Alec and the girl Alec kind of likes, Alec notices that real life may be messier than the books he loves, but if your nose is always buried in a book, you might just be missing out on the greatest story never written--your own!

I remember a time when I picked up my first book from Mr. Clements, Frindle. As a child, I didn't appreciate as much as the adult me does. It was both imaginative and original. When I was contacted to read The Losers Club, I didn't even read the blurb, I jumped right in because the author. I knew going into the story that I would be reading something that's close to pure magic. 

Like Alec, my nose is ALWAYS stuck in a book. As good as being a reader can be, there are times when, unfortunately, you have to put it down. No matter how painful that may be. When Alec's principal takes away that precious book time, Alec decides to start The Losers Club. And what do you know? More kids want to be part of it!

Readers can live thousands of lives and go to many different places from the comfort of their own home. They weren't joking when they said "lost in a book".  I used to get lost in Harry Potter every summer and loved every minute. The message of The Losers Club is quite simple - don't forget to live life. Also, books are FUN!

*Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 


About the Author:
Andrew Clements is the author of the modern classic, Frindle, as well as books like The Landry News, The Report Card and The School Story, and has over 13.5 million books in print! His work has been nominated for 50 state awards and translated into over a dozen languages. Before he was a New York Times bestselling author, Andrew was a public school teacher and father of four boys. He now lives with his wife in Maine.

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