Saturday, August 29, 2015

Interview + Giveaway- THE HIGHWAYMAN (Victorian Rebels, #1) by Kerrigan Byrne

Today I'm very excited to bring to you a very special guest, Kerrigan Byrne. Here on The Lovely Books, we are so happy to have her because we get to hear more about the deliciously sexy books, along with getting to know her as well. Sounds like a win/win to me! We'll have four lucky readers have a chance to snag a print Advance Reader Copy when it comes out next month. Now let's get started!

• Hey Kerrigan, I want to thank you again for agreeing to come on to the blog! How are you on this fine day? (Easy enough question, right?)

~I'm doing so well!  There is a lot of stress and craziness that hits around release day, but it's mostly just excitement and gratitude for readers and their willingness to take a chance on a debut author like me.  Also, now that the kids are back in school, things are getting a lot less busy! Amiright?

• Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

~I'm pretty boring, to be honest.  Before I wrote about sexy men for a living, I worked in law enforcement. There are days in my life when I miss it, only because working around that many alpha males can be a whole lot of fun!

• Where did you come up with the idea to write The Highwayman?

~Oddly enough it was during a night of terrible insomnia.  I was watching TV at maybe like one in the morning and flipping back and forth between the movie THE SAINT and THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO between commercials. I loved that Val Kilmer in THE SAINT had a connection with a girl in an orphanage when they were young.  Also, THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO reminded me that I LOVE a good revenge story.  And so THE HIGHWAYMAN was born!

• When did you first know that being a writer was what you wanted to do? 

~It was about 14, and all I could seem to do was read.  I went to school.  And read.  I went home.  And read.  I went to the movies.  And read.  I went to sporting events... well, you get the idea.  I think every writer has a moment where they get frustrated that a plot line doesn't go the way they wanted.  Then they have that thought... "If I had written this I would have..."  The rest is, as they say, history!

• Did you always see yourself writing historical romance?

~YES!  I read Victoria Holt in Junior High and knew that I needed to turn my LOVE of history into my writing.

• What sets your stories apart from the rest? 

~This is a hard question because I don't want to put my book above any other one, but I think THE HIGHWAYMAN stands out because of the depth of the tragedy each one of the characters had to overcome.  I love to give a sense of unflinching reality to the undeniable romance that comes with writing about love in a historical setting.

• How many books do you have out?
~I have 3 compilations of Paranormal Highland Historicals and a Romantic suspense.

• Is there anything you have to have while working on a story? Such as needing to Dr. Pepper, eating a pickle, etc. 

~I know this answer is as cliche as they come, but it's coffee!  With three teenagers, a busy husband, (and I'm in the middle of a move right now) I am plagued by a huge energy crisis.  Coffee is my magic elixir right now.  It's the only thing that keeps the words flowing.

 Favorite book? Movie?

My favorite movie hands down is MIDNIGHT IN PARIS by Woody Allen.  It's so damn charming! Oh wait, it's the AVENGERS!  Oh wait, it's PRIDE & PREJUDICE.  Oh wait it's...

It's hard to pick a favorite book, but I'll have to say my favorite author is Christopher Moore.  If you must read something of his, read A DIRTY JOB, or SERPENT OF VENICE.  They're hysterical!

• What's it like in the life of an author? More specifically, you!

~Ask me in a week when THE HIGHWAYMAN is released!  All in all, it's pretty amazing.  Making a living creatively is alternately incredibly marvelous and incredibly terrifying.

• Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

~One of the things I see a lot of authors doing is writing what they think they should write instead of what inspires them.  They spend so much time trying to figure out algorithms and gimmicks, trying to work the system, instead of taking the time to write the book that is in their hearts.  Markus Zusack said once that the book you need to write is the one you'd finish even if you knew you would never sell it.  For me, that was THE HIGHWAYMAN.  

There you go folks! Make sure you check this wonderful book out:)


Friday, August 28, 2015

CAGE OF DECEIT by Jennifer Anne Davis

Hey guys! Today is my stop for the blog tour. Make sure you start these books asap if you haven't already. If you want to win a copy of Cage of Deceit, please feel free to head on over to my Facebook page to enter.

Cage of Deceit by Jennifer Anne Davis
Reign of Secrets #1
Young Adult, Fantasy
Expected Publication: August 25th, 2015

Jennifer Anne Davis's best-selling True Reign series captivated readers from the very first page. Now, get ready to become entangled in the follow-up series, Reign of Secrets. In this new series, follow Allyssa, the daughter of the beloved Emperor Darmik and Empress Rema— and find out what happens after happily ever after.

Seventeen-year-old Allyssa appears to be the ideal princess of Emperion—she’s beautiful, elegant, and refined. She spends her days locked in a suffocating cage, otherwise known as royal court. But at night, Allyssa uses her secret persona—that of a vigilante—to hunt down criminals and help her people firsthand.

Unfortunately, her nightly escapades will have to wait because the citizens of Emperion may need saving from something much bigger than common criminals. War is encroaching on their country and in order to protect her people, Allyssa may have to sacrifice her heart. Forced to entertain an alliance through marriage with a handsome prince from a neighboring kingdom, she finds herself feeling even more stifled than before. To make matters worse, the prince has stuck his nosy squire, Jarvik, to watch her every move.

Jarvik is infuriating, bossy and unfortunately, the only person she can turn to when she unveils a heinous plot. Together, the unlikely pair will have to work together to stop an enemy that everyone thought was long gone, one with the power to destroy her family and the people of Emperion. Now the cage Allyssa so longed to break free from might just be the one thing she has to fight to keep intact. In order to save her kingdom, she will have to sacrifice her freedom, her heart, and maybe even her life.

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About the Author

Jennifer graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. Afterwards, she finally married her high school sweetheart. She is currently a full-time writer and mother of three highly energetic children. Her days are spent living in imaginary worlds and fueling her own kids’ creativity.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Spotlight- EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES by Sandra Hill

Vikings, Navy SEALs, Viking vampire angels, oh my! All three are featured in Even Vampires Get the Blues, the sixth sizzling entry in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sandra Hill’s Deadly Angels series. The series focuses on the oh-so-sexy Vangels—an elite group of Vikings-turned-vampire/angels as punishment for their vigorous embodiment of the seven deadly sins ages ago. 

Even Vampires Get the Blues features Harek Sigurdsson, who was a brilliant Viking with an insatiable hunger for wealth and all its trappings. Now a Vangel, his otherworldly mission teams him with a Navy SEAL who’s more than his match— she’s his predestined mate… 

The fact that vampire angel Harek was a Norseman in his mortal life doesn’t make thawing out after exile in Siberia any easier. But things heat up when his search for evil Lucipires connects him with Camille Dumaine, a human who thrums with sensual energy that can mean only one thing: she’s the mate Harek’s been seeking for centuries…

The SEALs call her “Camo” for her ability to blend into a crowd— yet Harek’s intense blue gaze singles Camille out like a white-hot spotlight. The security wiz was hired to help bring down a ruthless band of international terrorists, but Camille senses an unspoken agenda— besides Harek’s bold declaration that she’s his “destiny.” It’s just Camille’s luck that the sexiest man she’s ever met may also be… a vampire! Smart, sexy, and funny, Sandra Hill fans are sure to love the latest Deadly Angels book!


Everything he touched turned to gold, or leastways aconsiderable profit, and thank the gods for that, because HarekSigurdsson was a brilliant Viking with an insatiable hungefor wealtand all its trappings.
It didnmatter that he had vast holdings in theNorselandsaestate in Northumbria, severahirds of warriorswho served under him whecalled to battle by one grab-land king oanother (Harek was a much-sought battle strategist), amber fields in the Baltics, trading stalls in the marketplaces of HedebyKaupangand the Coppergate section of Jorvik, a fleet of twelve longships and two knarrsand numerous chests filled with coins, jewels, and rare spices. Iwas neveenough! Not to mention three wiveand six concubines … or was it seven?
Not that he wanted or needeany more wives orconcubines. Like many Viking men (hah! men of all lands, truth to tell), he was betimes guided by a body rudder known for its lackwittedness when it fancied a woman. The Wise Ones had the right of it when they proclaimed: A cock hano brain. Wellathe ripe old age of twenty and nine, he had finally taken a sip from Odins famed well of knowledge. Infuture, when he came upon a comelwoman, he would beher, not wed her, then send her on hemerry way with a pat on the rump and a poucof gold coins.Cheaper thaway and lots less trouble!
Harek had just completed a meeting with Toriq Haraldsson, his agent here in HedebyToriq had once been hersiroverseeing Hareks Norse housecarls. Unfortunately, the fierce swordsman had lost aarin battle. Harek had no qualmabout hiring the handicappemaas his business representative.Loyalty and honesty were more important in that role than fighting skills. Besides, Toriq had once saved Hareks life in battle at a time wheHarek habeen younand not yet so adept in fighting. A berserk Dane had been about to lop off Hareksvery head. Suffice it to say, the wergild for a highborn manshead was enormous.
As they walked side by side on the raised plank walkways that crisscrossed the busy market center, meand womealikeglanced their way, not just because of their impressive Norseheight and finely sculpted features. Their attire—fur-linedcloaks, gold brooches fastening shoulder mantles, soft leatherhalf bootscould support a tradesmans family for years.
Unaware or uncaring of the attention, Toriq scowleandgrumbled undehis breath. Toriq was not happy witHarektoday.
Spit it out, man. What troubles you?

This latest venture of yours … it ill-suits a man of your stature, Toriq said, but then he had to step aside to accommodate a crowd that hagathered to watch a craftsman blowing blue glass into a pitcher. Otheartisans werehammeringold and silver into fine jewelry. In fact, Hareknoticeaetched armband he might purchase later. In otherstalls, workers could be seecarving wood and ivory, or firing clay pots in kilns behind the trading tables.
Hedeby waaexciting cityalways something going on.To Harek, the bustle of commerce, the sounds of money beingmadewere like music to the ears. There wasnt anything that couldnt be purchased herefrom the prizewalrus rope that wacut in a single spiral strip from shoulder to tail, to—well—to his latest venture.

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About the Author: 
Sandra Hill is a graduate of Penn State and worked for more than 10 years as a features writer and education editor for publications in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Writing about serious issues taught her the merits of seeking the lighter side of even the darkest stories. She is the wife of a stockbroker and the mother of four sons.

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