Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Release Blitz Review feat Giveaway-Lead by Kylie Scott

About Lead (Stage Dive #3)

Stay up all night with the sexy rockers in Stage Dive, the epic rock star romance series from New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott, author of Lick and Play.

As the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, whether it's booze, drugs, or women. However, when a PR disaster serves as a wake-up call about his life and lands him in rehab, he finds himself with Lena, a new assistant to keep him out of trouble.  

Lena's not willing to take any crap from the sexy rocker and is determined to keep their relationship completely professional, despite their sizzling chemistry. But when Jimmy pushes her too far and Lena leaves, he realizes that he may just have lost the best thing that ever happened to him.
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lead-Stage-Novel-Kylie-Scott/dp/1250052386/ref=la_B009CJ8188_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1404936064&sr=1-3
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lead-kylie-scott/1117685321?ean=9781250052384
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/kylie-scott/id551926437?mt=11&uo=4

My Review-

OMGJimmy! The books in the Stage Dive series just keeping getting better and better with each book. I liked David, LOVED Mal, but Jimmy takes the cake. He's the cherry on top, the one I love out of all of them. For now at least! We still have to get Ben's book!

In Lead we get to learn more about Lena, Jimmy's own personal assistant/babysitter. Lena is tough, she's sarcastic, and girl's got some curves on her! Finally. I like to see a character not be size 0 for once. Anyways, Lena is hard ass, or so I thought when I read Play. We get to see a whole other side to her in the next book and I just adore the freak out of her. she certainly gives Jimmy a run for his money. 

Lead is filled with tons of sexual angst and frustration. After a traumatic moment leaves Jimmy vulnerable, Lena sees him in a completely different light. The more she sees the "real" Jimmy, the harder it is for her not to fall for him. But Jimmy feels differently. See, he actually likes Lena around. He considers her his one friend that he can just be himself around; but how can two people who have so much chemistry, just remain friends?

That is the gist of the story. Trying to keep a professional and friendly relationship while working together. After all, sex between friends never works out, right? I enjoyed Jimmy and Lena's story immensely, so much so, that I couldn't help but swoon and giggle and keep the dorkiest smile off of my face. I guess Jimmy does that to a girl. Can you blame me?

In Lick, the first book of the series, I thought Jimmy was the biggest douche, and he was don't get me wrong. But finally being able to "know" the guy, my feelings for him have grown soft. I'm a big softie for the guys who try to throw you off by acting like a bastard yet underneath the facade, being a total sweetie. I'd say that's Jimmy in a nutshell but there's so much more to him than that, you'll see what I mean once you read about it.

What would a stage dive book be without all the boys? We get to see the whole gang on several occasions and even though their books are finished, their stories are far from over. Mal is a personal favorite of mine. He is such a fun loving guy and I love how he and Anne interact. It's so cute. 

Jimmy is an asshole. A loveable one, but still an asshole all the same. I love this series and I love Kylie for writing them. Without her I wouldn't have my Stage Dive boys<3


“Lena, you seen my old black Led Zep shirt?”


“You sure?” His brows became one dark cranky line. The scratches on his face were healing well, thank goodness. Though it didn’t reduce my desire to throttle his mother on a daily basis.

“Yes. I haven’t seen it.”

Can’t find it anywhere…”

“And this is a surprise, how?” I slipped my hands into my back jean’s pockets. “Jimmy, you own more clothing than Cher, Brittney, and Elvis, put together. Things are bound to go missing.”

“Sure you haven’t seen it?”

“For goodness sake, what do you think, Jimmy? That I stole it to sleep in or something?” I laughed bitterly. Sure as hell, the truth deserved a good mocking. I’d sunk so despicably low.

I hadn’t even meant to steal the stupid thing, but the shirt had been mixed up with my laundry a few days ago. It’d been the first top I laid my hand on after stepping out of the shower, ready to go to bed. Without thought, I’d put it on and it’d been so soft, the scent of him lingering beneath the laundry detergent. Every night since, I’d found myself in it come bedtime. My shame knew no limits. And no, I still hadn’t quit. The words still hadn’t come even close to leaving my mouth.

He frowned. “No.”

“That I have some deep secret longing to feel close to you resulting in my stealing your shirt like some creepy perv?”

“Course I don’t fucking think that,” he replied crankily, reaching up to grip the top of the doorframe. All of his bulging muscles stretched the arms of his white T-shirt in the nicest way. It was all I could do not to start drooling, my heart beat taking up residence somewhere down between my thighs. And who could blame it? Not me. Maybe if I got laid, this would go away and things would return to normal. It’d seemed safer to avoid rubbing up against any men just in case I got carried away and started dating again. This new situation, however, changed everything.

“Well, of course not! That would be crazy.” And wasn’t that the god’s honest truth? Cray-zeee. Lock me up and throw away the key because it wasn’t like I didn’t know better.

“Just can’t figure out where the hell it could be.”

Angels couldn’t have smiled as innocently. They might have tried, but they would have failed, the dirty-mouthed, winged, little liars. “Jimmy, I don’t know where it is. But I’ll look around for it later, okay?”

“Yeah,” he said, and then added as an afterthought, “and stop looking at me weird.”

“I’m not!”

About Kylie Scott:

Kylie is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

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Review feat Giveaway: Tamed by Emma Chase

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways.

It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful.

When I met Dee I knew right away that she was special. When she met me, she thought I was anything but special—I was exactly like every other guy who’d screwed her over and let her down. It took some time to convince her otherwise, but turns out I can make a convincing argument when sex is at stake.

You might know where this story’s headed. But the best part isn't where we ended up.

It’s how we got there.

TAMED goes back in time to the Tangled days. But this time around, it’s not Drew dishing out the advice and opinions—it’s his best friend Matthew, who of course is dealing with Dee Dee.

My Review:

"Love isn't putting up with someone in spite of their faults--it's adoring them because of them."
Emma Chase just keeps doing it again and again. If you think being in Drew's head is a hoot, but Matthew can give him a run for his money. What I like about the Tangled series is that they are lighthearted and fun to read. Oh, and they're funny as hell! 
 Tamed is no different. In fact, it was great being able to go back in time and see a different POV of when Drew and Kate were all hot and bothered for each other. When Delores and Matthew meet for the first time? Priceless.

"Delores is a gorgeous name, for a gorgeous girl. Plus, it rhymes with clitoris...and I really know my way around them. Big fan." 

These two are wild. Wild and fun. I want to be friends with Matthew and Dee just because they're totally different from Kate and Drew. Dee is the type of girl who doesn't do relationships. She's a one night stand type of gal and she's okay with that. Matthew is just looking to have some fun also but there's something about Dee that has him so intrigued.

"Her business card isn't Charlie's Golden Ticket--it's the lottery kind--and I just hit the jackpot."

 See, Matthew wants more with Dee than just the next lay. She's beautiful, sexy, and confident; so unlike any girl he's ever met. He has to find a way to convince her to be with him. Any way to make her see that not all guys are the assholes they are. But will he be able to?

Make sure you pick up your copy to find out! Fall in love with Matthew and Dee, they're such a riot, I seriously love them! I recommend this book to anyone looking for a spunky read about two souls just wanting to be loved. Oh, and this is Emma Chase, so expect to laugh out loud, a lot!


She puts on the helmet, but doesn’t climb on the Ducati right away. She stands on the sidewalk, hands on her hips, looking thoughtfully at it. “What would you say if I said I wanted to drive your motorcycle to the party?”

“I’d say you’re shit out of luck. I don’t ride bitch.”

She knocks me upside the head—but my helmet softens the blow. “Then let me take it for a ride myself. Just around the block.”

“I . . .don’t think so.”
She pouts.
I sigh. “Have you ever driven a motorcycle before?”
“No, but I’ve always wanted to.”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to fly, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna strap on a squirrel suit and skydive from the god damn Empire State Building.”
She steps closer, and rubs her placating hands up my chest. “Come on, please? I’ll be really careful and grateful. Really grateful. Like . . .defiantly, let you handcuff me to the bed, kind of grateful.”
Forget the national broadcast system—this is the test. Am I going to stick to my man-guns, keep my pride, and protect my cherished vehicle from almost certain carnage? Or, am I going to be ruled by my dick and swayed by the promise of kinky, have-Dee-at-my-mercy-all-night-long, sex?
No contest.
“Riding bitch, it is.”


By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she toils away the hours bringing her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.
Some of Emma's favorite quotes from Tangled -
"You are making me crazy!"
"Crazy like you want to rip my shirt off again?"
"No - crazy like the itch of a yeast infection that won't go away!"
"And I will be damned if Kate Brooks is going to walk her ass in here and take that away from me. No matter how fine of an ass it may be."
"Words are cheap. Actions win wars. Actions heal wounds."
"It makes me want to kiss her and strangle her at the same time. I've never been into S&M. But I'm beginning to see its benefits."

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Spotlight- IN BLOOM by Katie Delahanty

 *A little bit of an introduction*

A few months ago I had the pleasure of reading & reviewing In Bloom by the wonderful KATIE DELAHANTY! I fell in love with her words as well as the world she created. Still, months have passed and I've yet to fully forget Miss Olivia Bloom and the sexy lead singer, Berkeley. For this post I'll have an exclusive POV blurb from Berekley. Sweet!

On The Lovely Books Facebook page, throughout the day I'll be giving away copies of In Bloom all day long==> Http://www.facebook.com/lovelyj22 
On here, they'll be a chance to win a $10 GC of your choice to the retailer for where ever you buy your books from! (Amazon, B&N, Itunes, Kobo, etc.) Also two winners will have the chance to win In Bloom!! To make it fun I'll have you answer a question that you'll be able to post in the comments.

A new adult novel from Entangled's Embrace imprint...

My name is Olivia Bloom and I. Am. Free.

I left for LA with everything I owned piled into my old Volkswagen and dreams of becoming a costume designer. Little did I know I’d wind up designing for a lingerie company—yeah, not sure how I landed this gig—and taken under the wing of two young Hollywood insiders. The fashion shows and parties were great, but life really got exciting when the seriously hottest lead singer of my favorite band started to fall for me. 

How does someone like me, an ordinary girl from Pittsburgh, wind up in the arms of the world’s sexiest rock star—surrounded by celebrities, fashion, and music—and not be eaten alive? Berkeley is everything I've ever dreamed of in a boyfriend, but the paparazzi, the tabloids, the rumors, it's all getting a bit too crazy. My life has become every girl’s dream come true, if only I don’t blink and lose it all…

~From the mind of Berkely~

My name is Berkeley Dalton, and I am engaged.

I don’t quite know how it happened, really. I mean, I know how it happened—I did the asking, after all—it’s just that I didn’t see it coming. Everything I thought I knew has changed…and I’ve never been happier. Olivia Bloom. Olivia Bloom is my fiancé. If anyone had told me three months ago that I’d have a fiancé, I’d have laughed. I didn’t think that was something possible in my world. Right now I’m supposed to be thousands of miles from here, and I know that my absence is causing distress, yet there’s nowhere I’d rather be. She’s worth it. Here I am, alone with this slip of a girl,watching her sleep, and the soft smile on her lips is keeping me warm. My heart is so full it might rupture. I’ll let it. All I know is that I don’t want to leave this
This Feeling
Her Side


Penny for my Thoughts? Don't mind if I do! 

"Hook, line, and sinker, I'm in love." <== my thoughts exactly after reading the book!!

In Bloom is a book filled with drama, celebrities, and most of all swoon worthy romance! Olivia has up and moved from her life in Pennsylvania to pursue her dreams as a designer in none other than Los Angeles, Cal-I-For-Ni-A. She instead gets the gig of working in lingerie! I don't know what girl who wouldn't love that;)

"Yep. That's me. Olivia Bloom. Ending the world, one G-string at a time."

It all starts at a fashion show when Olivia Bloom makes a fool out of herself in front of lead singer, Berkeley Dalton, the face of Berkeley and the Brightside. One of the most famous bands around. Olivia, not being very celebrity "friendly", basically rambles to the gorgeous rock star and in turn her friends, Parker and Blair, decide its time for Liv to know the "rules". The endless list of rules of what to do and say when surrounded by the A-listers.

"So basically," I clarify, "assume everyone is someone, and if you do know who they are don't let them know you know, and if you don't know who they are, don't let them know you don't know."

It's a way for her to act like she is a somebody she isn't in a world filled with people also acting like somebody they're not. Chance makes it to where Liv and Berkeley keep meeting up. The more they meet, the more down to earth he seems. Until one day he basically invites himself over for dinner!

Then he leaves to go on tour for two weeks. Leaving Olivia elated with happiness that "The Berkeley Dalton" likes her. Or so she thought...

When Berkeley come back two weeks later, he doesn't contact Liv like he was supposed to. Instead, he's seen in the media with the gorgeous actress, Lisa Greene. And they look more than nice and cozy.

Will Olivia be able to just forget the enchanting celebrity who may or may not have shown her what it would be like to fall in love? Did she get it all wrong?

Why oh why can't she stop thinking of him?!?

I adored this book to pieces! It might help that I have a slight obsession with rock stars. But from the very first sentence until the very last, I was hooked. There was no going back because I knew, I knew, this was going to be good. I love looking into the life of celebrities; getting to experience the Grammys... Even if it was just in book form. This is exactly what I look for when it comes to reading, and it's the exact reason I became a blogger. To be taken away to a place I've never been. To spread the love of books that have touched me.

I find it hard to write reviews sometimes. It's like the words don't come out the way I want them to but that's not the case for In Bloom. The words are pouring out as if they have a life of their own. This must be whys a feels like to be an author. It's a wonderful feeling.

The characters came to life before my very eyes. I feel as if I know them on a personal level. It's a high that I can't explain when I'm able to connect with in authors words. Olivia is such a down to earth, kick ass heroine. I feel like I would act just like her in the presence of a hot celebrity. Her innocence was endearing and made her very like able. Berkeley was larger than life; beautiful. His passion for music makes you fall into love with him. And yes, he has tons of passion! All the secondary characters were just as important as the main ones. I especially love Liv's mom. From the moment she was pregnant with Liv, she's been trying to predict her future.

Which brings me to what I truly found so intense about the book. Not going to give anything away but before you read ask yourselves these questions...
Do you believe in signs and fate? Or are you the type of person who believes in random coincidence? Maybe they're one in the same? Or maybe there's no such thing...? It's just life.
Ponder those questions.

There was only one thing I did not like about the book. In the beginning after B&L's first date, when B leaves to go on tour...I found Olivia was way too obsessed with Berkeley. I felt like all her thoughts were only him which is understandable but too much obsess I don't like. Luckily, her obsession didn't last too long!

Obviously I think the book is wonderful!

5/5 stars

* Review copy given to me by Entangled Pub via NetGalley for an honest review. It has in no shape or form hindered my thoughts.  

~About Katie~
Katie is a fashion designer turned novelist. She graduated with a BA in Communication Studies from UCLA and a Professional Designation in Fashion Design from FIDM. It never occurred to her that she was a writer until an economic crisis induced career shift from lingerie designer to ecommerce webmistress led her to start the company blog. Not being an expert in lingerie, she decided to write the blog as a fictional serial starring a girl named Olivia Bloom who worked for the lingerie line. And that’s when Katie fell in love with storytelling. She hasn’t looked back since. Katie lives in Los Angeles with her husband.


twitter username


 Giveaway fun & Rules:
Throughout the day I'll be giving away e-books and music. Books along with music are the way to my soul, so I don't know how anyone can go wrong with those two things in life. 

The GRAND PRIZE will be the ten dollar GC of your choice along with a swag pack full of signed goodies from various authors. Two additional winners will win IN BLOOM.(If you are a winner that has already read In BLOOM you'll have your choice of any ebook priced at 2.99 or less)

Along with the grand prize, I'll also be giving away the ebooks of In Bloom to those who have not read it and a song of your choice from The Remainers or if that isn't your cup of tea, a song of your choice can also be replaced on my Facebook page, The Lovely Books. All in all, the page will have several winners throughout the day. So everyone has all those chances to win!

As you can clearly see, I adore the book, Katie, and all those who have made the book possible for us to read! Please make sure you support the author by following her pages. Please have fun and share, share, share!!

*Also for more Spotlight fun on August 18, hit up Booksparks! Make sure you sign you sign up for their newsletter so you can be updated on all the new books they have:)
Link- http://gobooksparks.com/src2014/
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