Monday, March 31, 2014

Blog Tour Review feat Giveaway: The Romeo Club by Rebekah L. Purdy


The Romeo Clubby Rebekah L PurdyRelease Date: 03/25/14YA CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE 

Summary from Goodreads:

THE ROMEO CLUB is Hitch meets The Secret of My Success.

What happens when you agree to help your brother “de-nerdify” so he can catch the attention of the popular Chloe Anders, and to everyone's surprise, he actually lands her?

And what if his equally geeky friends come running with girl wish lists of their own, offering money for your services?

Well, if you’re sixteen-year-old, Delyla Denson, then you start The Romeo Club. A secret club where she’ll teach these guys how talk, act, and be cool around girls. It’s a win-win situation.

She’ll get enough money for the awesome prom dress she’s had her eye on, and the guys, well, they’ll get dates and maybe learn how to do something other than beat the next level on their video games.

There are only two problems with this plan. One, her quarterback/track star boyfriend is getting jealous of how much time she’s spending away from him and decides to try and figure out what’s going on. And two, Delyla is kind of falling for her brother’s BFF, Trey who she’s been hanging out with a lot more. And who thanks to her help, has caught the attention of the beautiful, perfect, and popular, Portia Rickard. With Portia and Trey heating up, Delyla realizes that maybe the person she’s meant to be with has been in front of her all this time.

But falling for Trey means she’ll have to take drastic measures including sabotage, with a capital S.

The Romeo Club is a cute story about a beautiful girl who finds herself helping out her nerdy brother and his equally nerdy friends, find out ways to walk, talk and act around girls. Delyla wants the perfect dress when she goes to prom, only problem is, is the dress is wayyy out of her price range. Enter the nerd herd. They want dates and to have a total body make over to make that happen. Best part is, they're willing to pay!

The boys all make up lists of what kind of girl they want while Lyla works her magic on making it all happen. First things first: new clothes and haircuts. 

Along the way Lyla starts noticing Trey in ither ways than her brother's best friend. She has a boyfriend though. A super hot all around athlete type boyfriend. Why in the world would she leave him, am I right? Wrong. I found him quite cliche and boring. I was Team Trey all the way!

The plot is adorkable at its best. I loved the idea begins everything and it was just an all around feel good book. I sometimes need those because I read so many dark and/or depressing books. The way everything plays out is clever. Delyla and gang will grab onto your heart strings and won't let go. 

A light-hearted warm read; The Romeo Club will leave you giggling and maybe wanting a nerd ofyour own. After all, there's a little bit if nerd in all of us!

Buy Links:

About the Author
Rebekah Purdy grew up in Michigan, where she spent many late nights armed with a good book and a flashlight. When not hiding at her computer and getting lost in her stories, she enjoys reading, singing, soccer, swimming, football, camping, playing video games and hanging out with her kids. She loves the unexplainable like Bigfoot, the Dogman, and the Loch Ness Monster (lots of good story material)! She admits to still having all the books she bought throughout her childhood and teen years, and she may or may not have an obsession with anything chocolate…

Author Links:
(Will send rafflecopter code once I confirm giveaway with publisher)

Blog Tour Organized by:


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Review: Secrets Unveiled by Jill Patten

In the second and final installment, Jaxon and Courtney are forced into a world of more secrets. Some have been harbored from within, some are unknown, and some are just forming.

When the truth finally does come out, will their fragile love for one another be strong enough to hold, or will the weight of deceit break the string that tethers their hearts together?

"I've had you perched up on a pedestal since the day I met you." -Jaxon

My only disappointment is that this has ended. I absolutely loved Secrets Unveiled. I'll tell you a little story. A couple of months ago when Toxic Secrets came out, I had a reviewer on my blog that had taken the job of reading and reviewing the book for the blog tour.

Well...the day before the blog tour I still wasn't able to get a hold of her so I took it upon myself to read and review the book for my designated day. Best decision ever and I didn't even blink an eye that I only had a day to finish it. I was in love.

I finally got my greedy hands on Secrets Unveiled and dropped everything to read.

Let me tell you when I started this book...I could NOT put it down. The angst...oh my Lord, it made my heart race. I found myself holding my breath at times and then I found myself wanting to choke a ho. No joke.

If you remember in Toxic Secrets all the secrets that got left unanswered as well as Courtney being preggers...well you haven't seen anything yet until you read this one. 


I can't really go into too much detail because I don't want 
to be giving any plot devices away. But Jaxon and Courtney have had one hell of a rude.

You like drama? Good, there's tons in SU.

You like sizzling hot sexual chemistry? Well hell yeah you came to the right book.

Hot boy? Check check check

Did I want to throw my iPad out the window at times? Ummm YES!!!

Good plot? Yup

Characters? Fun and endearing

There are a ton of secrets that come to light and there are some that need to come our but it's never the right time that 
they do. A huge part of the story deals with drug use. I've never had to deal with a drug addict before but I have had it deal with an alcoholic. It can be tough. I totally felt for Jaxon and I could see why he turned to such extremes it get away from reality. After all, we all go through that. Mine is reading. Sure it might be safer, but it's still a way for me to leave this world and go into someone else's. 

"I'm afraid if I tell you,you'll run. I'm not letting you got his time. I'm never letting you go again."

Jaxon and Courtney's story is heartbreaking. Don't go into the story thinking that it's all going to be easy, it's not. My heart felt for them. It's up to you to find out his their story ends.

*Review copy provided by author for an honest review.

About this author
Jill Patten was born a Yankee, but raised a southerner. She lives in the small town of Mayberry, North Carolina which was made famous by a popular TV show back in the sixties. (Maybe there will one day be a statue of her at the end of Main Street. Ha! A girl can dream, right?)

Jill has always loved to read, even during reading labs in middle school for reading comprehension. Judy Blume was her first author she hero-worshipped, maturing to revere the works of Stephen King. With all the fantastic authors today, she simply cannot choose a favorite. Her taste is very eclectic and she loves almost all genres. When she's not captivated by her fictional characters, she spends time with her sweet husband and two beautiful children.

Music is her muse. Jill also loves elephants, sarcasm, and anything made with sugar, especially sweet tea. She enjoys all things rude and crude and laughs at stuff she probably shouldn't. She has been accused of being bossy a time or two, but doesn't really see it herself.

All in all, Jill is just a small town girl in this great big world trying to enable your book addiction.

Oh, and if you read her book, please leave her a review - good or bad, she'll love you forever.

Buy Links:
Toxic Secrets Amazon-

Secrets Unveiled Amazon-

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Review: Star-Crossed by Luna Lacour

Disclaimer: This work contains explicit sexual content, language, and delicate subject matter. It is intended for mature readers.

It started with a game - seduce the new teacher.

Eighteen-year-old Kaitlyn Laurent is living the American Dream. Born into a wealthy, socialite family with more opulent surroundings and material things than any girl could even fathom, Kaitlyn is the fresh, young face amidst a sea of morally-amiss Manhattan Debutantes. She is educated, poised, and on the outside - entirely virtuous. Her life, in short, is perfect.

Or so it would seem.

Inside the walls of her Upper East Side mansion, Kaitlyn is struggling. After her parents' divorce and her father's remarriage to a beautiful but otherwise 
utterly vapid woman, Kaitlyn quickly finds herself living in a realm of self-created fantasy, completely detached and entirely clashing with her new family – particularly, her classmate-turned-stepbrother, Marius. Arrogant and with a penchant for playing games, he is intrigued and infatuated by Kaitlyn's faux-chaste outer facade that she uses to cover an otherwise calloused heart.

When the two of them enter into into their final semester at Trinity Prep, and the buzz around campus is that a gorgeous new teacher has set foot in the classroom, Marius makes Kaitlyn a bet: seduce the man who is now her Literature teacher.

If she wins, she gets his trust fund. Money that she can use to finally escape a life that she has come to loathe.

If Marius wins...he gets her virginity.

When an initial spark turns into full-blown obsession, and her affections are inevitably returned – Kaitlyn learns that there are no actions without consequence, and some affairs are simply star-crossed.

"Are we star-crossed?" I ask quietly, a whisper.
"Yes," he said. "But I would fight against the stars for you."

When I first saw that the author was offering ARCs for Star Crossed, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to snag a copy. It pretty much had me at the title and slowly I finally got around to the synopsis and well you can figure out the rest. I got my copy and I was ecstatic! Star crossed is just another name for forbidden. Forbidden and doesn't end well. Ironically it reminds me of Romeo and Juliet which just so happens to be incorporated into the story. 

As you've read the synopsis by now, you'll realize that yes this is a teacher/student romance novel. It takes place in a high school setting but it is in no way a YA novel. Please be warned that this book is for 
mature readers and it deals with a taboo subject as stated above. If it's something you may not be interested in I suggest you still try the book out. It's very different. 

"It all started with a game."

Kaitlyn is a typical girl who nobody understands at a prestigious school full of high societies
 offspring. She doesn't have any friends and she likes it that way. One night at a masquerade ball, she meets Will, who turns out to be her new teacher at school. Cue her step brother Marius striking up a bet. The bet is to seduce the new teacher by the end of the semester. If she wins, she'll be able to get out of the privileged life she lives, to be free. If she loses, she"ll have to lose her virginity to Marius. 

"I was only eighteen. An adult, but not really. A child, yet far from it."

So begins the sensuality and seduction. And oh it was very sensual. I loved the sneaking around, I loved the way the characters talked, and I really loved how well the author made me feel as if I were
part of the story. Kaitlyn doesn't act like most eighteen year olds. She has an old soul, which may be why she has never been able to fit in with anybody before. 

"There was the inevitable explosion; the giving of sin; the realization of what it meant to fall head over heels into something so wholly unexpected."

The supporting cast were also a joy to read. Such as 
an outsider who goes to the school on scholarship. His name is Tyler, and he is from the wrong side of the tracks. He's not ever good enough because he doesn't swim in money such as his many classmates. Marius is Kaitlyn's step brother, his character is intriguing to say the least. 


Will was only meant for a game. A way for Kaitlyn to escape the freedom she craves. But what happens when the stakes become too high? Such as falling in love or worse getting caught? 

Star-Crossed is beautifully written. If you're looking for a sweet romance full of fairies and rainbows well you ain't gonna find it here! This is one thrill ride of all things sexy. I mean come on a forbidden romance with a teacher ten years your senior? Yep! You don't have to tell me twice. 
About the Author:
Lover of coffee, reader of classic literature, and the author of STAR-CROSSED (March 2014).

Blog (regularly updated with excerpts, teasers, casting choices and playlist music, along with other random things):




Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cover Reveal feat Excerpt and Giveaway:
Within Temptation by Tanya Holmes!!!

WT-FrontCover copy

Title: Within Temptation (Sons of Temptation #1)
Author: Tanya Holmes
Genre: Contemporary/Romantic Suspense/Mystery hybrid
Release Date: May 12, 2014



Love, betrayal and murder in a small town…

Twelve years after her mother's murder, Shannon Bradford fears she may have helped convict an innocent man. Even worse, her prominent family may have had something to do with it. Desperate for answers, she seeks help from the one person least likely to give it. Her best friend and childhood crush, Trace Dawson.

The man she sent to prison.

Serving hard time for murder has left Trace angry and bitter. As far as he's concerned, digging into the past won't replace the years he's lost or erase the hell he's lived. Now that he's free, Shannon Bradford tops his list of bad memories.

But he never counted on falling in love.

WITHIN TEMPTATION is a contemporary/romantic suspense/mystery hybrid. Set in a sleepy little town during the dead of winter, this award-winning romance novel is a tale of one woman's quest for truth and a man's struggle to forgive.

*Pre-order the paperback copy*

WT-FullCover copy


Trace sighed, braced the worktable. “I said, get out.”

Frozen with fear and anger, I stared at the floor. “No.”


I elevated my chin a fraction. “That’s”

He twisted around. His expression made a gradual shift from vengeful to predatory. Our eyes battled in silence, then, like a prowling lion, he advanced, and I, his prey, retreated until I’d backed into a wall. When his shadow engulfed me, I had to tilt my head all the way back to stare up at him. The ice had thawed in his eyes, leaving twin pools of lava.

I looked at his mouth and the time I kissed him on his seventeenth birthday came to mind. Thirteen-years-old and smitten with a desperate case of puppy love, I’d snuck up on him as he’d sat asleep in the carriage house.

The second my lips bumped into his, he’d startled awake and promptly put me away from him. He’d delivered a hasty, but genial grin, then wagged a finger.

Instead of giving me the brutal truth—that I was a pathetic little girl—the boy they’d ranked with Satan took pity on me. I was too good for him, he’d said.

But there was no pity in his eyes now as his gaze wandered my body. He may have killed my mother, may have even taken another life in prison, but I wasn’t afraid—not in the least. Dear God, had I become like those wretched women who got turned on by bad boys with blood-splattered pasts?

Fighting it, I looked away. “Please...stop.”

“Stop what?”

I drew a shallow breath. “This. What you’re doing.”

“What am I doin’, Shannon?” He anchored a forearm to the wall above my head. His left arm hung at his side.

I swallowed. “You’re trying to scare me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He looked me over again, and when he spoke, his voice came out deep and gravelly. “Right now, scaring you is the furthest thing from my mind.” He snagged a whiff of my perfume and inched closer. “Way I see it, I’ve politely asked you to leave, but you refused. So I’m left wondering what’s keeping you here. Can’t be my sunny disposition.”

His gaze traveled down my neck, to my chest, a chest that rose and fell in frantic succession. He spent a long time looking there ... at my breasts.

I felt my nipples bead, felt my face burn. Embarrassed, I lowered my eyes, but that was a mistake. A full arousal tented his zipper.

He smiled. “See, I think you’re still here ‘cause somethin’s missing.”

“What?” I all but squeaked.

“Oh, I dunno. Maybe lover boy’s not cutting it in bed?”

Fury burned my cheeks. “How dare you.”

“Just an honest question. I’m curious.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“What? Your sex life?” He cocked his head and frowned. “Hell, do y’all even have one?” Before I could tell him to kiss my ass, he added, “Trust me. If he’s not getting it from you, he’s getting it somewhere.”

I seared him with a glare. “Your crudity is astounding.”

“I’m just giving you my humble opinion. Nothin’ more.”

“You don’t know the first thing about humility.”


“Yes, ‘really.’ You’re too full of yourself.”

A slow, wicked grin eased across his lips. “Maybe so. But I’d bet the farm you wouldn’t mind being full of me too.”


About The Author:

Tanya Holmes is a former Romance Writers of America Golden Heart finalist, a recipient of the Maggie Award, the MICA Award, as well as Overall Winner of the Sandy Haddad Award and a two-time finalist and one-time winner of The Emily (Best of the Best). She's happily married with children and loves reading, writing and a good cup of coffee---but not necessarily in that order. Her debut novel, Within Temptation is due out in September 2014.

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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Blog Tour Review: Tangled by Emma Chase


Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is hard. In this heart-pounding follow-up to Tangled by New York Times bestseller Emma Chase, Kate reveals that there is trouble in paradise, when unexpected circumstances force her and Drew to "renegotiate" their relationship.

There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself—and of me.

But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice; the most important of my life. Drew already made hisin fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville, Ohio, alone. Well, sort of alone...

What I've come to realize is that old habits die hard, and sometimes you have to go back to where you began before you can move ahead.


The journey continues in the epicness of Drew and Kate but the love story has come to a few misunderstandings and a whole lotta heartbreak. The story is told from Kate's pov and we get to see her side of the story when all things turn to shit. 

"Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Apparently happily ever after only lasts two years."
Drew and Kate have been inseperable for two long years. Everything is perfect; they are in love, the sex is sexy as hell, and hello Drew Evans is still in love! I honestly don't know how I felt when I first started the book. I missed being in Drew's head but Kate proved to be just as entertaining. 

You should start out by knowing first hand that Twisted is much different than Tangled. Like wayyyy different. It's vibe isn't as humorous but has more of a serious undertone to it. It's hard to go into too much detail without giving everything away. 

To say this is an emotional wreck that ran straight into a wall would be a HUGE understatement. At certain scene in the book I about wanted to reach into the story and strange both Kate and Drew both. Communication people! For two brilliant people, they were both lacking on not only the trust issues but the communication. That right there is the key to a strong relationship. Along with being honest. 

Anger. Frustration. 

Yes, I felt those throughout the entirety of the novel. That and my heart breaking in two. 

But I also felt complete joy. The love Drew has for's absolutely beautiful. How can anyone not have love for the man? He's hilarious and knows how to treat his woman. But I suggest you read the book to see what all goes down. 

My only complaint was that the book seemed very short. Overall, I still loved seeing the whole gang. Fans will enjoy this heartfelt second novel and of course Drew!

3.5 stars


Buy / Pre-Order Links

Simon & Schuster

Barnes & Noble


  • Kobo (not available yet)



Emma's Social Media

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine. 

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog Tour Review feat Giveaway: Uncovering You by Scarlett Edwards


Title: Uncovering You: The Contract (Uncovering You #1)
Author:  Scarlett Edwards
Release: March 27, 2014


When I wake up in a dark, unfamiliar room, I have no idea what's waiting for me in the shadows. My imagination conjures up demons of the worst kind.
Reality is much worse:
A collar with no leash. A prison with no walls. And a life stripped of meaning.
I am presented with a vile contract and asked to sign. It outlines the terms of my servitude. The only information I have about my captor are the two small letters inked at the bottom:


Armed with only my memories, I must do everything I can to avoid becoming ensnared in his twisted mind games. But in the end, it all comes down to one choice:
Resist and die.
Or submit, and sign my life away.


Okay, so here's the deal, I LOVED this book. Er...novella? It's serial story and each book contains 125 pages each. The author states that each story will have a climax and a conclusion. The next book will be out on April 20 of this year. For me...the girl who just couldn't put the story down...well let's just say that's a LONG time to wait.

Lilly wakes up to a dark, unfamiliar room with no thoughts on how she got there in the first place. She has a collar around her neck that  has two electrodes and a chip inside. That only means one thing...if she gets too far from where she is supposed to be, she'll get electrocuted. 

Dare I say that Lilly is one tough girl. She did't have the easiest upbringing but that never stopped her from going to college. She was determined to get a degree and nothing or no one would stop her.

She gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she submits an essay where she is nominated to win the prestitious Barker Prize. An award that students get nominated for by the professors in the pyschology field. She wins.

Her life will never be the same.

The story switches back between present and past, with the beginning containing bits and pieces in the future. It is all told from Lilly's pov.

Now remember this is part of a series of the story might have ended but there will be more. If that makes sense? I know some people don't like this but I'm surpringly okay with it.


Author Bio:
I live near beautiful Seattle, Washington.  I grew up reading all types of fantasy books before discovering the wonderful world of romances in high school.  Now, I spend most of my time writing about sexy men and the women who love them.

Social Media Links:


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Friday, March 21, 2014

Blog Tour feat Teasers and Giveaway:
Destroyed by Pepper Winters!!!

Buy the Book

Amazon / Amazon UK / Barnes & Noble

Title: Destroyed
Series: Stand-alone
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Dark (Lighter) / Romance (Grey Romance)
Release Date: March 7, 2014
Cover Reveal Organized By: As The Pages Turn


She has a secret.

I’m complicated. Not broken or ruined or running from a past I can’t face. Just complicated.

I thought my life couldn’t get any more tangled in deceit and confusion. But I hadn’t met him. I hadn't realized how far I could fall or what I'd do to get free.

He has a secret.

I’ve never pretended to be good or deserving. I chase who I want, do what I want, act how I want.

I didn’t have time to lust after a woman I had no right to lust after. I told myself to shut up and stay hidden. But then she tried to run. I’d tasted what she could offer me and damned if I would let her go.

One secret destroys them.

Excerpt 1:

It was the best kiss I’d ever received, but also the worst. It sparked lust and need in every inch of me. My lips wanted more, my tongue wanted savagery. My skin wanted to bruise because he needed to touch me so badly.

All my thoughts disappeared as I nipped at his bottom lip. He flinched, but a second later he copied, his sharp canines piercing my oversensitive flesh.

I moaned.

I couldn’t take it.

My hands flew up and gripped his shirt. Yanking him toward me, fireworks whizzed in my fingertips; my heart galloped toward exploding with lust. I’d never been so drunk on someone before.

Then I landed flat on my back.

The crack of my skull jangled my teeth. The thick carpet did little to cushion me. My eyes flared wide and I grunted in pain. Fear, hot and terrible, swamped my lust in a dampening wave.

“Top rule. Unbreakable rule. Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me.” Fox kneeled on one knee beside my head, breathing hard. His hand noosed my throat, pressing my spine into the carpet. His eyes were cold and lifeless, looking like a hunter intent on blood. –HAZEL

Excerpt 1:

“As long as you’ll inflicting pain, I can keep it together.” The admission made Zel look up. I lowered my voice, throwing an annoyed glance at the medic. “I want you to know. Everything about me. Maybe then you can understand. I want you, Zel. The thought of you leaving fucking kills me.” .--HAZEL

About The Author:

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero the better and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby (who speaks French—hot!) who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She loves to hear from her readers so hit her up at

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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