Friday, August 30, 2013


Cover Reveal


Genre: Fiction | Romance | Historical | Regency | Jane Austen Sequel

Publication Date: October 1, 2013

About the book:
In this humorous, topsy-turvy Pride & Prejudice variation, all the gender roles are reversed. It is Mr. Bennet’s greatest wish to see his five sons advantageously married. When the haughty Miss Elizabeth Darcy comes to Netherfieldwith the Widow Devonport nee Bingley, speculation—and prejudice—runs rampant.

William Bennet, a reluctant and irreverent future reverend, catches Miss Darcy’s eye even though he is beneath her station. However, his opinion of her was fixed when she slighted him at the Meryton Assembly. As her ardour grows, so does his disdain, and when she fully expects to receive an offer of marriage, he gives her something else entirely ….

J. Marie Croft, a Nova Scotia resident and avid reader all her life, discovered Jane Austen's works later than others but made up for lost time by devouring the six novels and as many adaptations and sequels as she could find. In the midst of reading prodigious amounts of Austen-based fan-fiction, she realized, "Hey, I can do that." In her spare time, when not working at a music school or on a wooded trail enjoying her geocaching hobby, she listens to the voices in her head and captures their thoughts and words in writing. Her stories are light-hearted; and her motto is Miss Austen's own quote, "Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery." J. Marie Croft is a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America (Canada)

and admits to being "excessively attentive" to the 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. She can be contacted


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Take It All by Emma Grayson

***Inspired by true events***
Judy Garland said it best, ‘For it was not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.’

If you asked her why she loved him, she would only be able to tell you it was because he was who he was and well, she was who she was.

Plain and simple.

All her life Lennox Ward felt incomplete. That her heart was always searching for that one special thing; that special someone she had yet to find.

Then Caleb Kingston came strolling back into her life unexpectedly, and little did she know her world was about to come crashing down around her; forever shattering it.

Is love enough to conquer all?

Will she be able to lead them out of hell and off their path of self destruction?

Or will Caleb take it all?

*This book contains mature subject matter and is not intended for those under 17 years of age.*

My Thoughts:
Take it All tells the story of two souls destined to be together but have all the odds stacked up against them. Caleb and Lennox were childhood best friends who secretly loved each other. They lost touch with one another when Caleb and his family moved away. As fate would have it, they meet again ten years later through a chat forum online. But they don't know who the other one is until they decide to meet for a date. When they realize who they've been chatting it up with all along, they decide they want to try and have a relationship.

Where to start? I am still sort of emotionally drained after reading Take it All. When I first started reading I was somewhat annoyed with Lennox. After all, characters like her usually annoy me. But Emma writes a note before you begin reading that the story is based off life events. So I stopped judging and ended up getting engrossed in a world that I am unfamiliar with. Such as the main character, Lennox.

Take it All deals with a very heavy subject matter. I repeat very heavy! This is not a light read about two people reconnecting and falling in love. Well it is about that but not so much a light read. It's dark and dangerous. It's opened my eyes into a lifestyle that I can't fathom being apart of.

Emma states that you don't know what a person would do for love and what you are capable of until you are put in that type of situation. I'd have to agree with her on that. The whole time I'm reading I keep wanting to hit Lennox upside the head and ask her what she is thinking. Caleb on the other hand I felt anger and resentment towards.

But as I read on, I started to feel for these characters. Caleb in particular. It was a complete 180 from how I had originally felt about him. For some reason I found myself shedding some tears for the situation he was in, then the compassion and pity came in. Like I stated above I can't even imagine being in his position! To the real Caleb out there, I'm sorry you had to go through what you did.

Before I said that it was an eye opener for me. And it was. I've never known anyone to be in the same predicament as Caleb. In a way, I am ignorant in that subject matter. But afterwards, when I finished the book, I feel like know a little bit more.

Even though Take it All has a somewhat depressing feel to it, it does have some great parts. Such as Lennox and her friends. Well, more like Raine. That guy is awesome. Lennox and Raine meet one night in a bar and the two decide to be friends. He is the epitome of what a good, no great, friend is. I think I loved him at first sight. The things he does for Lennox when she is in an emotional bind or when she finds out Caleb's secret, is just amazing.

Caleb and Lennox's love is wonderful. It's not what you would say is rainbows and unicorns. Lennox knows no boundaries. She is loyal, strong and such a good person for sticking by someone when they needed her the most. I'm ashamed to say I don't think I would have done the same. Which is why this story has had such an effect on me. I feel like if someone in my life is going through what Caleb is going though, I will think of this book and stick by that person. I will channel Lennox's strength to be compassionate to a person in need.  So i want to thank Emma, for making a person on the outside see how hard it is when you are put in a situation as hard as Lennox and Caleb.

I highly recommend reading Take it All. A book I thought I couldn't love has been bumped up to one of my favorites of the year.

*thank you to Emma for providing me with a copy for an honest review and for letting me be apart of the blog tour.
*also a huge thank you and shout out to Book Geeks Unite for being freaken awesome.

Peace out and have a lovely day<3
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Review:Powered by Cheyanne Young

Maci Might's sixteenth birthday is supposed to be the day she's awarded Hero status. But thanks to a tiny anger problem and a questionable family tree, King City's elders think it's best if she doesn't join the Hero ranks. Determined to change their minds, Maci will break whatever rule it takes to prove she's Hero material. As her hair darkens and her anger grows, everyone turns against her except Evan; a childhood friend turned scientist who may be able to unlock the secrets hidden in her DNA.

When a villain attacks King City and her dad is held prisoner, Maci discovers a truth she refuses to believe. She may not be a Hero after all—but this time the Heroes of King City need her more than she needs them. And she won't let them down.

Powered is the first in a trilogy.

A look inside my brain--

Powered follows the life of Maci Might, hero in training. When we meet her, it's her sixteenth birthday and she is preparing for her hero examination that will determine whether or not she is hero material. 

When she finally receives her hero mission, shes more than ready, she just knows she is going to kick butt. But in the end she doesn't get her hero status and has to wait a whole week before she finds out if she will be made a hero or not. To make matters worse, everyone was expecting her to be hero because her father is the president and her older brother got a perfect score. 

I really enjoyed Powered and reading about Maci. She's an immature arrogant smartass. Not necessarily in that order! I loved her and her witty comebacks. She can also kick some ass, that's always a plus. 

The story was a little too slow in the middle for my liking. For a few chapters nothing happened and I got bored. But it picks up with some romance and action mixed in. 

Do you like a story about a girl coming of age story that deals with betrayal, love, action, and a crazy twist in the end? Then this book is for you! It's highly entertaining and fun. 

It debuts on November 28, 2013 and it will be apart of a trilogy. 

**book given to me by author for honest review**

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Review:Lifeless by @jmlarocca1

Goodreads Blurb:
After graduating from the University of South Alabama, Scarlett Moore discovers her boyfriend of five months is actually married with a child on the way. Feeling used and heartbroken, she decides it’s time to take her best friend Jules’ advice to move to Atlanta and live with her. There, Jules helps her get a job at Entertainment Atlanta, where she works as an entertainment insurance agent. It’s not Scarlett’s dream job, but it’s better than not having a job at all, and who wouldn’t mind working with famous people, right?

Then she gets assigned to EA’s newest client, Kade Evans, rock star turned actor. Not only is he a drug addict, he’s also known for never dating the same girl twice. He’s tall, dark, and handsome, has an amazing voice, and good acting skills, but he’s also arrogant and intense.

At their first meeting, the chemistry between them is undeniable. 

The love that comes later is unexpected.

But Kade’s life is full of secrets. His past has now intruded on his present and when Scarlett finds out what his secrets are, the real deception begins.

My Thoughts:

I was so not expecting that!

I went info Lifeless not knowing anything about it. Judging by the cover, it seemed like a thriller to me. I don't know why but the cover girl looks freaky. Freaky as in scary. Ha

Anyways, I went into the book clueless. I was pleasantly surprised with the opening scene, it was nicely done. There we meet Scarlett and her boyfriend Trey, who just so happens to be married with a baby on the way. Gah, what a tool! Fast forward five months--Scarlett has moved in with her best friend, Jules, to start a new life in Atlanta working as an entertainment insurance agent. 

Here is where it gets really good! Scarlett and Jules go out to an opening of a club. While they are dancing, a sexy man starts dancing with Scarlett. She comes to find out that it's none other than Kade Evans, lead singer of the popular band Perfectly Damaged. 

Can I hear a hallelujah? 

My love for rock star romances is unhealthy. The first one I loved and still love is Kellan Kyle from Thoughtless. Mind you, this book has nothing in common with Thoughtless. I just love Kellan and the D-Bags. 

I pretty much loved Kade from the moment he walked into the picture. Of course this is my unhealthy love for a rock star again, I stood no chance. He is extremely sexy, with an adorable grin that would make any lady weak in the knees. 

Lifeless is full of romance, mystery, and a lot of sexual tension. A lot! By the end of the book my mouth was left hanging open! Be prepared for a book unlike any other. It's not your typical NA storyline. 

Great plot with even better characters, Lifeless will leave you wanting more. Book 2 comes out sometime this year? Not sure! But if you haven't yet read this book, I highly recommend you go and get it. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Review:Choosing the Right Man by @VioletDukebooks

Goodreads blurb:
An Amazon & B&N Top 100 Bestseller!

Book Three of the bestselling NICE GIRL TO LOVE ( serial romance ) series

Connor’s back. Just when Abby’s life seems all but perfect, the infuriating man comes charging back in to wreak havoc on her emotions once again. And in typical Connor fashion, he has yet another proposal for her. But instead of a wild and fast fling, he’s proposing...forever. 

Brian’s not giving her up without a fight.Normally the tame one of the pair, Brian is holding nothing back in the battle for Abby’s heart. He has a decade-long head start in knowing and loving everything about Abby—but is that enough to break the intense hold his brother has on her heart?

In this third and final book in the bestselling Nice Girl to Love series, Abby must decide once and for all between the bad boy wanting to start a life with her and the good guy fighting for the life they’ve already built.

Print Length: 147 pages (Based on paperback edition, available August 19, 2013)

Note: This is the third and final book in the bestselling Nice Girl to Love serial romance series.
My thoughts:
Connor...Brian...wait Brian...

Okay so in Choosing the Right Man we follow Abby,Connor, and Brian. It's starts where it left off in Falling for the Good Guy. Abby finds herself torn between the two men she loves. Connor is the infamous bad boy who realizes he is capable of loving and Brian is the best friend who realizes his feelings for Abby have gone beyond friendship. My,my how do you choose?!

Connor and Brian come up with a way for both of them to hang with Abby in order for her to choose which one she wants. I applaud both men because sharing her the way they did shows just how much they both love her. I feel like most men wouldn't even try. 

From 75% on I think I had tears running down my face. I may be a big baby but I found the story bittersweet. I wouldn't want to be stuck in between two men knowing that in the end I would end up hurting one of them. This is where Abby and I differ. She chose to date both men but I would have gave both of them up. I would feel way too guilty hurting someone but I wouldn't feel guilty if it was myself I was hurting. Sounds's just the way I work unfortunately. 

As always the characters are awesome. They feel so real and going into Choosing the Right Man, they feel like family. 

There is a HEA with a fun little surprise in the end. (Well surprising for me!)
Lets just say I am happy and leave it at that;)

I fully recommend these books! They make you feel good and not to mention they are so sweet and romantic. Oh and also a little steamy! You'll see why. Go get the book and see what I am talking about. 
*i was given a copy by author for a review*
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