Saving Dr. Warren … A True Patriot
Written by Jeffery McKenna
Publisher’s Synopsis: Patriotism Prevailed in…
✯ The American Revolution
✯ 9-11
What About Today?
How do we share Patriotism with America’s Future?
The novel Saving Dr. Warren… A True Patriot answers that question through the eyes of a 14 year old boy.
Steve O’Dell loves to write and does it well. But as an eighth-grade student at Needham Middle School, his talent sometimes seems more an embarrassment than a blessing.
Then, on Veterans Day 2001, Steve’s award-winning essay propels him into an adventure twisting through Revolutionary battles and bloodshed. Thanks to the bizarre bequest of a manuscript and a musket ball from a long-lost family war hero, Steve’s journey with the Revolutionary War hero Dr. Joseph Warren begins.
A time-traveling talisman missing from the archives of one of Boston’s oldest historical societies takes Steve through portals of history, where he walks side by side with a real Boston patriot. He makes house calls with Dr. Warren on March 5, 1770, and stumbles onto the bloodstained streets of the Boston Massacre. From the killings of March 5 to boarding tea ships in 1773, Steve’s history book explodes to life as he helps Dr. Warren and forges a friendship with Boston’s True Patriot. Steve watches Dr. Warren launch Paul Revere on his midnight ride, and he helps Dr. Warren dodge British musket balls in the first battles of the War for Independence. With each adventure, Steve tastes the light that ignites The Revolution.
Steve will eventually convince others that the Revolutionary relic he was given really does open portals through time, but he faces his most difficult quest alone—saving Dr. Warren from the onslaught at Bunker Hill. Can he do it? And if he fails, will he ever return to this century?
Saving Dr. Warren…A True Patriot rips through the pages of history. From the Revolutionary War to the vanishing veterans of World War II, to the ashes of September 11, 2001, Saving Dr. Warren demonstrates to both old and young that patriotism, standing like an old oak tree on a grandfather’s farm, has and will endure.
Ages 11-15 | 366 Pages | Publisher: Jeffery J. McKenna | ISBN-13: 978-0999901205
Where did you come up with the idea for Saving Dr. Warren?
Twenty years ago, my wife, and best friend, gave me a book for Christmas. It was titled Rebels and Redcoats: The American Revolution Through The Eyes Of Those That Fought And Lived It, written by George F. Scheer and Hugh F. Rankin.
I was excited about the book.
I love history.
I remember where I was and the time of day when I read the first chapter. In a way, you could say that moment changed my life. It introduced me to Dr. Joseph Warren. It started a twenty-year quest to tell his story in an engaging and fun way for the toughest of audiences - teenagers!
I learned that night that Dr. Warren sent Paul Revere on the midnight ride that started the Revolutionary War. I remember asking that very night, "Why have I never heard of him? I love American history. Why has his story seemed to have fallen through the cracks of history?"
What's a good lesson one would take when finishing the book?
I hope the reader will feel a greater appreciation for those that have sacrificed and those that are currently still sacrificing so much for us to enjoy the blessings of living in America.
Oh, please know that I recognize the United States has faults. In book two of my three-part series, much will be explored of families struggling through some of our country's shortfalls. But,the United States is a beautiful and remarkable nation and has the ability to continue to improve.
I'd like the reader of Saving Dr. Warren... "A True Patriot" to REMEMBER the United States is worth living for and dying for. I would like the reader to respect more, honor more, and REMEMBER more, those that have done just that.
What's your writing process? Music? Snacks?
Long, tedious, torturous. It doesn't come easy.
I get big bursts of ideas here and there. However, turning those ideas into a readable story is a painful process for me.
Time to write is a precious gift. I live a very busy life. I'm a father of four children, a partner at a law firm, and am very involved in my church and other community services. Finding time to write is not easy. Hence ... one book was twenty years in the making. :-)
What book would you take with you on a desert island?
The Bible.
I love the Old Testament and New Testament stories. I've read almost all of them, but I've never read the Bible cover to cover. It is so deep and so expansive. I don't think I could ever get bored!
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Take the plunge today!
Start early.
Start now.
I know all too well the insecurities and growing pains that come with trying to write your first novel. It's so easy to compare your work to other published authors and feel like you're not measuring up. When this happens, remember that "comparison is the thief of joy"—Teddy Rosevelt. That story you have inside of you is a story only you can tell. Listen to the critics; they're there to help you, but don't get discouraged by them.
I wish you the best of luck, and may God bless you!
Jeff Mckenna resides in a peaceful Southern Utah town amidst the red rocks that make up National Parks like Zion and Arches. He loves mountain biking over the brightly colored sandstone that surrounds him, as well as new trails he finds when he goes on cross-country RV trips with his wife. Along with reading entertaining historical fiction novels, Jeff believes a great way to learn to love America is by exploring her beautiful landscape and visiting cities and states from sea to shining sea.
Jeff’s love for his country is what has fostered his love for writing. Uncovering America’s history can be messy, but Jeff dives in with both hands to uncover what lies hidden in our nation’s past. He loves to reveal forgotten heroes and help them come alive for young Americans as they race through the pages of his historical fiction novel, Saving Dr. Warren… “A True Patriot.”
Jeff would love to hear about the American heroes you’ve discovered as you’ve dived into history!
For more information, visit
Visit Jeffery J. McKenna's website for plenty of free educational resources that have been created specifically for Saving Dr. Warren... A True Patriot. You'll find lesson plans, an essay contest, as well as information about author visits. This historical-fiction novel has been used in several middle school classrooms as a resource for both History and English teachers—it is a great educational tool for parents, librarians, and teachers.
Per FTC guidelines, you must clearly disclose partnership with The Children’s Book Review and author Jeffery McKenna in both your blog post and all social shares.
Enter for a chance to win a copy of Saving Dr. Warren … “A True Patriot,” autographed by Jeffery McKenna!
One (1) grand prize winner receives:
- A copy of Saving Dr. Warren … “A True Patriot,” autographed by Jeffery McKenna
- An original 1700’s musket ball
Two (2) winners receive:
- A copy of Saving Dr. Warren … “A True Patriot,” autographed by Jeffery McKenna
The giveaway begins December 10, 2020, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends January 10, 2020, at 11:59 P.M. MT.