Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Release Blitz ft Excerpt + Giveaway - Back in the Game by Erin Kern

Champion Valley Novel
will be published on October 31, 2017 by Forever.

Goodreads | Mass Market: $7.99  | eBook: $6.99 | ISBN: 9781455536009

About the book: Stella Davenport wasn't made for small-town life. Sure, teaching ballet in Blanco Valley, Colorado, is great, but she longs for the chance to perform in a big city. Stella swore she'd never let anything get in the way of her dream-until sexy, broad-shouldered Brandon West walks back into her life. Stella is determined to resist him, even if arguing with Brandon is sexier than any foreplay.

For Brandon, it's always been just him and his son, Matt. Knowing that love only leads to heartbreak, he isn't looking to expand his family any time soon. Stella, with her long, gorgeous legs and infectious laugh, is a breath of fresh air he didn't even know he'd been missing. But when she's offered her dream job in Chicago, will he be willing to put his heart on the line? 

About the author: Erin Kern lives in north Texas with her husband, two kids and their dog. She loves BBQ, Texas sunsets, antiquing and high school football games. The Champion Valley series was inspired by Erin's love of Texas football, small towns and happy endings. When she's not at the computer working on her next tale, she can be found spending time with her kids or curled up with a good book.

Excerpt from BACK IN THE GAME by Erin Kern
Was it just her, or had their almost-kiss a few months ago not been this hot? This intense? She didn’t remember her panties almost going up in flames or her desire threatening to choke her.
“A kiss doesn’t equal a relationship,” Brandon told her.
Stella nuzzled her nose against his. “But we’re not kissing.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Stella.” Before she could respond, before she could even exhale the breath she’d been holding, his mouth was there. Fitting over hers, exerting a gentle pressure that had her fingers digging into the flesh on the back of his shoulder.
When her eyes dropped closed, her other senses took over and magnified the virile man who was so much bigger and harder than she was. His arm enclosed her waist, tugging her closer, inch by slow inch until she was flush against him. Chest to chest. Feet to feet. Leg inserting between hers so that his muscled thigh was nestled perfectly in between her softer flesh.
Best. Kiss. Ever.
Brandon West could use his mouth as a lethal weapon to bring women to their knees. Because if he hadn’t been holding her to him with such firmness, she would have sank the second his mouth touched hers. And then she didn’t have time to think about all the other things she wanted him to do to her, because his tongue smoothed over her lips in gentle, yet not-so-subtle invitation to open the hell up.
He didn’t have to ask her twice. Without thinking about where they were, or the cars and people hovering around outside, even her looming anxiety, Stella obliged and parted her lips. With a hesitation that was sweet, yet longing, his tongue slowly pursued hers, touching just the tip before retreating again.
Since it wasn’t enough, since the minimal contact had opened an emptiness she’d been living with for a long time, Stella did her own pursuing. Her tongue chased his, testing the warmth of his mouth. When he groaned against her and tightened his hand on the back of her head, the heat was kicked up a notch. The passion she’d once possessed but that had gone dormant from lack of use awakened with an explosive burst of fireworks. She returned his groan with one of her own when he tilted her head to change the angle of the kiss, allowing him to dive deeper.
And she let him, because Brandon West was an overpowering man who held her passion and trust in the palms of his hands. The question was, what would he do with it?
Their tongues continued to dance and weave around each other until someone opened the front door of her studio, and the outside sounds of cars and people intruded on their moment of intimacy.
“Oh!” the startled voice announced, ripping her and Brandon away from each other like two teenagers who’d been caught necking by the principal.
Her mother stood by the door, her eyes wide to match the smile on her face, as though to say, Score one for the team, honey.
Only Gloria Davenport.
She held her hands up and backed toward the door.
“Don’t mind me,” she told them. Then offered Stella two thumbs up. For Pete’s sake. “But good job, honey. Way to take my advice.”
And then she was gone, blowing back out the door as quickly as she had interrupted them, taking Stella’s dignity with her.
One of Brandon’s dark brows lifted, showing nothing of the passion he’d exhibited just a second ago. “Advice?” he repeated.
“Ah . . . ,” she began, not sure how to explain Gloria Davenport to someone who didn’t know her. “Just ignore her. She obviously hasn’t taken her medication today.”
The slight curl of his mouth widened. “You look like her.”
Please God, don’t say that. “Okay.”
His brown eyes narrowed, scrutinizing way too much. “Is this another thing you don’t want to talk about?”
Right on. She lifted a shoulder and pretended her heart wasn’t still pounding from their kiss. “I have no issues with my mom.” At least none that she was willing to share.
Brandon nodded. “You know, one of these days all those walls you’ve thrown up are going to come crashing down.”

As Stella watched Brandon saunter out of her studio as though he hadn’t just knocked her socks off with his mouth, all she could think of was how right he was.

Buy the book here:
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2uMVYP5
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2vpGIuS
Books-a-Million: http://bit.ly/2iClw0O
IndieBound: http://bit.ly/2vX6NSI


Add SERIES to your shelf on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/championvalleyGR

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Monday, October 30, 2017

Excerpt Reveal - The Plan by Ella James


The Plan by Ella James is coming

November 13th!

ADD to Goodreads:

You’ve heard this story before. Woman feels her biological clock ticking and gets someone to knock her up.
Not for love, for baby.
Crazy, right?
That’s what I thought.
Then I found out my fiancé had a vasectomy. The life I thought I had? Nope. Suddenly I’m 33, and I don’t even have a kissing buddy.
When my mom’s health takes a turn and I wind up back in my hometown of Fate, Alabama, I tell myself to leave things up to…well, you know.
Then I see Gabriel McKellan. He’s Fate’s most famous son, a bestselling author who is beautiful, complicated, and living just below me. In addition to his plus-sized brain, Gabe’s well-endowed in other ways, and great in bed to boot. I would know. He's my ex husband.
When I suggest The Plan, I don't imagine that he'll take the bait. It's been ten years, and we don't work. But Fate has other plans for both of us.

I climb inside the U-Haul and grab two small things first: my favorite Elvis lamp and a box of yarn and clay, easy pickings for my first trip up the stairs to my rented digs. Then I grab my purse off the truck’s rear ledge, step down, and—
I blink at the wall I’ve just slammed into, and there he is. At first, I think I’m seeing things. I blink a few times, fast, to try to magic him away. Hallucination. But…he’s not.
His curly hair is wild and dark, just like it always was. His blue-gray eyes—more blue, although he claims they’re gray—are just as sharp as I recall. His face is still so striking: dark brows over a stern, strong nose, and high cheekbones. My gaze skates over his rich mouth, and I realize I’d forgotten how handsome he is.
Gabriel McKellan is famous at least in part because he looks like such a god. The familiarity of him hits me like a ball of ice right to the gut, but where he’s different makes me warm. That stubble-beard, the way his jaw is sharper, shoulders thicker. My gaze skates down his white t-shirt, pasted over rigid abs. I note his forearms—thicker, tanned—before appraising jeans-clad thighs.
One flexes.
My errant gaze jerks back up, where I find his features twisted in a scowl.
“What are you doing?” he asks roughly.
I blink. “What?”
Gabe’s brows pinch together, and he glares behind me, at the truck. “What are you doing here, Marley?”
I look around the quiet, leaf-strewn street, trying to explain not what I’m doing, but why I’m seeing him here. Nothing looks amiss, though. Nothing to suggest I’ve had a mental break.
“I’m moving back to Fate. Today,” I add, my voice a squeak above its normal octave.
Gabe’s foot taps the curb between us. Even barefoot, he’s a domineering prick. I inhale slowly, bringing my heart-rate down a notch, so I seem more gathered when I ask, “Where are your shoes?”
“Why did you park here,” he demands again.
“Because I’m moving in?” It’s not a question, but it sounds like one. I bug my eyes out in response to his mean stare. “What are you doing here—and where are your shoes?”
“My shoes are inside.”
I blink at the porch behind him. “Inside where?”
“Inside the house behind me.”
Gabe’s head is still shaking, his jaw locked like an angry sentry.
“What the hell is this about?” My heart begins to pound. “Are you my greeting party?”
“I’m your warning party,” he says quietly.
“Warning me from what?”
“I live here, Marley. On the bottom floor.”
“I’m living here.” His face hardens. “I think that means you need to close your truck and go.”
Is he insane? My head spins. Gabe can’t be… “You can’t live here,” I sputter. “You live in New York!”
For an instant, I feel sure this is a joke: a TV joke. Famous author/director shocks unknown ex-wife by popping up at her new place.
“Is there a hidden camera?” I ask lamely.
“No, Marley. There’s not. There’s just a house—with room for one.”
His lush mouth tightens. “I don’t think so.”
I laugh. “Oh—you watch.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ella James is the USA Today and Amazon Top 10 bestselling author of more than twenty love stories. She’s an angst-a-holic who loves exploring difficult situations and the emotions of the people caught up in them. Also, smut. But always, always romance.
Ella is an Alabama native who makes her home in Colorado with her husband, three young children, and hyperactive dog. When she’s not writing, she can be found hiking the foothills, taking nature photos for her Instagram account, or swilling vanilla cream soda.
Subscribe to Ella's newsletter: https://www.ellajamesbooks.com/newsletter/

Release Day Blitz Excerpt ft Giveaway- Totally His by Erin Nicholas

TOTALLY HIS by Erin Nicholas
Part of the Opposites Attract series
will be published on October 31, 2017 from Forever.

Goodreads | Mass Market Paperback: $7.99 | eBook: $3.99 | ISBN: 9781455539727

“Moving and inspiring.” --  Publishers Weekly

About the book: Sophia Birch loves nothing more than the spotlight--as long as she's playing a part. A theater geek from an early age, Sophia now runs a little hole-in-the-wall playhouse that feeds her passion... even if it sometimes makes it hard to feed herself! And then one night it all nearly goes up in smoke. Desperate to save the only copy of an irreplaceable script, Sophia rushes back into the burning building.

Police officer Finn Kelly knows crazy when he sees it. And a woman running back into a burning building definitely qualifies as crazy. She also happens to be incredibly sexy. But when he finally finds her ruffling through drawers and refusing to leave, his only option is to carry her out over his shoulder....and then decide whether to arrest her. 
About the author: Erin Nicholas is the New York Timesbestselling author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they're shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

Finn would have noticed her even if she hadn’t been wearing hot-pink lingerie. And nothing else.
He really would have. She was totally his type—brunette and curvy and, apparently, a little crazy. As evidenced by the fact that she was trying to sneak into a burning building. He did seem to be attracted to crazy. No matter how hard he tried not to be.
He watched the woman stop at the east corner of the Birch Community Playhouse, the one farthest from where the firefighters were working. Then he frowned as she slipped into the shadows along the side of the theater and out of sight.
Dammit. He started after her.
As one of the cops on scene, he had to keep the area clear for the firefighters and keep the crowd of onlookers safe. If one of them happened to have a great body and be dressed in nothing but a pink bra-and-panty set, well, he’d just call that a perk. And as he jogged across the street, Finn couldn’t help but wonder if she was in costume or if the alarm had caught her in the midst of a wardrobe change. If that was her outfit for the show, he might need to buy a ticket.
He turned the corner to the back of the building and looked around. He didn’t see her. She’d gone inside. Dammit. He climbed up the four steps that led to the back door of the theater.
Finn touched the door and found it cool. It seemed that the flames were still contained to the wall on the other end of the theater, but it was a mistake to assume anything when fire was involved.
He stepped inside and pulled the flashlight from his belt, then shone it back and forth. He turned a full circle, not sure where to go next. Just then Finn heard a door slam somewhere behind him. He swung toward the sound just in time to see the woman step out from a room.
Her eyes went wide when she saw him.
“Boston PD! Stop!” Finn shouted.
She had covered up. Kind of. She now wore a robe, short, sheer, and unbelted. Which really did nothing to cover his view of her panties and bra. Or all that skin.
And maybe that was why she suddenly took off at a run.
Finn stared after her for a moment, a little stunned. She was actually running from him?
The woman made it to the other end of the lobby and through one of the doors leading into the main theater before Finn got to her. He grabbed the door as it was swinging shut, nearly smashing his fingers. The lights were off in the inner theater but, as he plunged into the darkness, he got a big whiff of whatever body spray or perfume she wore. He took a deep breath. It was nice. Lemony. Sweet and…
Jesus. Finn scowled and turned his flashlight back on. He was thinking about how she smelled? How about the smell of smoke that was going to be chasing them both pretty soon?
“Hey!” he called into the theater. You have to come out, ma’am. It’s not safe for you to stay in the building.”
“Just give me a damned minute!” she shouted.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, I can’t do that,” Finn said.
“I have to find something. Then I’m coming right out.”
“Ma’am, I will have to remove you myself if you don’t come out immediately.” 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” he heard her exclaim. 
“Ma’am, this is your last warning. Stop what you’re doing and come with me.”
Enough of this. Finn stalked over to her, put a hand around her upper arm, and turned to remove her from the building.
She dug her heels in, though, pulling against his hold. “Hey, you can’t—”
“Oh, yes I can,” he told her calmly, careful to keep his eyes off her body. The heat from her skin had immediately soaked through the thin robe, and Finn felt it traveling from his palm up his arm. “I’ve given you several opportunities to cooperate.”
“You’re arresting me?” she asked.
“Are you doing something that you need to be arrested for?” he asked, moving her toward the door, even with her resisting.
“No! I need to get something. It’s very important. It belongs to a friend of mine. It’s irreplaceable.”
“Ma’am,” he said calmly, “don’t make me carry you out of here.”
She pulled against his grip and leaned all her weight into fighting the forward motion across the room.
Well, shit. He’d kind of figured it would come to this, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to touch her more. Still, it didn’t look as if he had a lot of choice. Reminding himself that he was a professional, he bent and hooked an arm behind her knees, looped the other around her back, and lifted her.

She gasped, and for a moment she didn’t fight. And he thought maybe the hard part was over. But as he headed out the door, trying to ignore how warm and soft and fucking lemony she was, she started to wiggle.

Follow Erin Nicholas:
Twitter: @ErinNicholas

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2vVOttR
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2wBmYD1
Books-a-Million: http://bit.ly/2ifKov2
IndieBound: http://bit.ly/2fyHd0e

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Trilogy Sales Blitz!


Talisman Of El
T.O.E. Trilogy, Book 1
Author: Al Stone
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Centrinian

Book Description:

One Planet.

Two Worlds.

Population: Human ... 7 billion.
Others ... unknown.

When 14-year-old Char­lie Blake wakes up sweat­ing and gasp­ing for air in the mid­dle of the night, he knows it is hap­pen­ing again. This time he wit­nesses a bru­tal mur­der. He's afraid to tell any­one. No one would believe him ... because it was a dream. Just like the one he had four years ago - the day before his dad died.

Char­lie doesn't know why this is hap­pen­ing. He would give any­thing to have an ordi­nary life. The prob­lem: he doesn't belong in the world he knows as home.

He belongs with the others.

On Sale for $0.99 for a limited time on Amazon!

Buy Links:


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cover Reveal : Spider by Ilsa Madden Mills


From Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills comes a new standalone romance about a flawed hero and the woman he can’t forget.

Spider, a sexy and forbidden new standalone, arrives November 13th!

Title: Spider Author: Ilsa Madden-Mills Publication Date: November 13th, 2017

Cover Designer: Shanoff Designs

Model: Amadeo Leandro

Photographer: Wong Sim


He calls himself Spider.
I just know him as the sinfully gorgeous guy with eyes of fire that fate places next to me on the airplane.
I didn’t who he really was . . . future rock star . . . my stepbrother.
He kissed me because he thought he’d never see me again. He would.
Everyone warned me about him.
They told me he was careless and ruthless and screwed up.
They said he’d leave me with a hole in my heart.
Maybe I should have listened.
Maybe I should have built a fortress to keep him out.
But I crumbled instead.
They say an unbreakable thread connects those who are destined to meet. If that’s true, then the moment he sat next to me, we were bound together forever.
He just had to figure it out before it’s too late…

Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2zcQDni

Spider teaser blogs 2 Ilsa Logo.jpg

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap. She's addicted to dystopian books and all things fantasy, including unicorns and sword-wielding females. Other fascinations include frothy coffee beverages, dark chocolate, Instagram, Ian Somerhalder (seriously hot), astronomy (she's a Gemini), and tattoos. She has a degree in English and a Master's in Education. When she's not pecking away on her computer, she shops for cool magnets and paints old furniture.

Connect with Ilsa


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Blog Tour Review - Us Kids Know by JJ Strong

 We all knew about Cullen Hickson.
Siblings Bri and Ray O'Dell are lost. Anxious. Restless. Ray—bullied at his Catholic school for being small and timid—wants to be someone people respect or, even better, someone people fear. Meanwhile, Bri knows that something is off about her friendship with the shiny, happy, sophisticated blond girls on her field hockey team. They don't really understand Bri, and if Bri is being totally honest, she doesn't really understand them either.

When storied delinquent Cullen Hickson enters the orbit of the O'Dell siblings, though, everything changes. Bri and Ray find an alluring, addictive outlet in Cullen, who opens their eyes to a world they didn't know existed. For Ray, that means experiencing the singular thrill of crime—from breaking and entering to grand theft auto—while Bri quickly dives into an all-consuming romance with the enigmatic upperclassman.

As Bri and Ray become more and more entwined with Cullen's antics, and their once-thrilling experiences grow increasingly dangerous, a series of life-changing events threatens to lead the teens down a dark path—one that could forever alter the course of their lives.

I was pleasantly surprised upon reading this book about teenagers needing an out so that they knew what it was like to live. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect other than the fact that Us Kids Know is being pitched as a story in the cusps of The Outsider. I could see the comparison but luckily JJ Strong’s book is all his own. 

We get the POV of three characters: Cullen, Ray, and Brielle. Ray and Brielle are brother and sister. How are the two connected to Cullen? Well Cullen sees Brielle and immediately has a sort of obsession with her. He has to have her. Ray meets him and the two hit it off by participating in criminal things. Ray gets picked on all the time and once he gets a taste of that adrenaline he feels with Cullen, well let’s just say that there isn’t any stopping him. 

The three embark on a very interesting friendship and not to mention journey. I felt like as a reader I was immediately drawn to Ray. I felt his vulnerability and he felt he needed to do all that stuff. Cullen was a bit more complex and I felt for him from the very first page. I’m sticking to the whole “he’s misunderstood!” storyline. Brielle was a bit tough to like in the beginning. I didn’t like how she was trying so hard to be something she wasn’t. (Plus the whole hiding that she likes Cullen thing.) I’m happy to say she saw the light and stopped acting like a little punk. She then became something else entirely. 

I think the book was great for a debut. The characters were some that I truly enjoyed reading about. I liked the growth and progression of the story and plot. When the author writes more books, you bet your bottom dollar I’ll be there to read it. Overall, if you’re looking for story that will most definitely make you feel, this is perfect for you. You’ll be able to identify with more than one  or two of the characters guaranteed. Even though they are outsiders and don’t fit in, I know that if I were still in school, I’d be happy to call this group of teenagers my friend. 

*Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for an unbiased and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Amazon UK


JJ Strong received a creative writing degree from the University of Southern California, and a B.A. in English from Georgetown University. His writing has appeared in Fifth Wednesday, the Santa Monica Review, and LA Weekly. He taught for many years in the undergraduate writing program at USC, before moving to the Washington, D.C. area with his wife and son.

Week One:
October 23 – The Royal Polar Bear Reads – Review
October 24 – ButterMyBooks – Author Guest Post | Playlist
October 25 – The Lovely Books – Review
October 26 – The Bookish Crypt – Review
October 27 – YA and Wine – "I Solemnly Swear That I am Up to No Good" | The Most Mischievous in YA
Week Two:
October 30 – Here’s to Happy Endings – Mood Board
October 31 – YA Book Central – Excerpt
November 2 – The Crazy Bookworm – Review
November 3 – Gladiator Glory – Review & Book Photography

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blog Tour Review - I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez

Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Publication: October 17, 2017
Genre: YA Contemporary 
Source: Print ARC
Rating: 4.5 Stars 

Perfect Mexican daughters do not go away to college. And they do not move out of their parents’ house after high school graduation. Perfect Mexican daughters never abandon their family.
But Julia is not your perfect Mexican daughter. That was Olga’s role.
Then a tragic accident on the busiest street in Chicago leaves Olga dead and Julia left behind to reassemble the shattered pieces of her family. And no one seems to acknowledge that Julia is broken, too. Instead, her mother seems to channel her grief into pointing out every possible way Julia has failed.
But it’s not long before Julia discovers that Olga might not have been as perfect as everyone thought. With the help of her best friend Lorena, and her first kiss, first love, first everything boyfriend Connor, Julia is determined to find out. Was Olga really what she seemed? Or was there more to her sister’s story? And either way, how can Julia even attempt to live up to a seemingly impossible ideal?

Honestly, my first thought during the first few pages was that I wasn’t going to like Julia. She’s very cynical and I find it hard to like characters like that. They resemble me too much for my liking. I know that sounds hypocritical but when characters are like me, I tend not to like them. (Yes, I find it hard to love myself.) During the course of the novel, I found myself sympathizing and caring for our dear main character. I started understanding why she was the way she was and in the end I was able to find that connection I crave in a story. 

Anyways, Julia has just lost her big sister, Olga, in a freak accident. It’s tragic and sad. Julia judged her older sister in the way she dressed and the way she went about living a simple life. Why would a person settle for something less when the world could be yours for the taking? But did her sister have a secret life that her family knew nothing about? The story also centers on perfection. What is it to you? Julia feels as she fails in comparison to her sister in every way. And by that I mean, she’s the “perfect” daughter. She doesn’t go out and get into trouble. She cooks and cleans and does what she is told. Julia on the other hand, is crude and more of a wild child. Once you get to a certain place in the book, it’s realized where all the anger and resentment come from. 

It’s no wonder Julia doesn’t feel like she measures up. I get it and I could beat myself up for ever having had bad thoughts about Julia. This is a great story that touches on so many subjects in today’s world. I enjoyed watching a character immensely grow right before my eyes. Readers, you’re in for a huge treat when following Julia on her journey filled with grief, pain, and ultimately hope

*Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 



Monday, October 16, 2017

Cover Reveal - Trip by T. Torrest

Happy cover Reveal day to T. Torrest! I can even begin to tell you how much I adored this story and characters when I met them in the Remember When Trilogy. I fell hard for both Layla and Trip; so I absolutely insist that you read those books before you read Trip. I haven’t read it yet but the author states it’s going to be a completely different book filling in gaps and such. Ahhhh! I can’t wait :)

Layla Warren first introduced us to Trip Wilmington in REMEMBER WHEN... Now read his side of the story!
Prepare to travel back to your teen years... That time in your life before the real world kicked in, that limbo between adolescence and adulthood, that trial of hanging onto the past while figuring out where the future will lie.

With heart-shredding romance, steamy love scenes, and hilarious 80s references, readers of all ages will find themselves falling in love with TRIP all over again .

***Author's note: This is no copy/paste job. This is a brand new story that fills in the blanks during Trip and Layla's separation while still bringing all the magic moments of the two of them together.

It is highly recommended--but not required--that you read Remember When prior to reading TRIP.

Release date tentatively scheduled for November 16.

TINA’S MAILING LIST: http://eepurl.com/318-n
WEBSITE: www.ttorrest.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TTorrestAuthor
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TTorrest

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fall Into Cash Giveaway!!


Fall into Cash $250 Giveaway

October 15th to November 15th
The holidays are just around the corner.
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