Wednesday, August 27, 2014

COVER REVEAL- Covering Kendall by Julie Brannagh

This is the fourth book in the Love and Football series! The first in the series is called Blitzing Emily, second is Rushing Amy, and the third is called Catching Cameron.Who doesn't love a good story about romance AND football? It's a great combination in my opinion. Plus I think all the covers are gorgeously done.

COVERING KENDALL by Julie Brannagh

About the Book:
Kendall Tracy, General Manager of the San Francisco Miners, is not one for rash decisions or one-night stands. But when she finds herself alone in a hotel room with a heart-stoppingly gorgeous man-who looks oddly familiar-Kendall throws her own rules out the window…and they blow right back into her face. Drew McCoy should look familiar, he’s a star player for her team’s archrival the Seattle Sharks. Which would basically make Drew and Kendall the Romeo and Juliet of professional football…well, without all the dying. Not that it’s an issue. They agree to pretend their encounter never happened. Nothing good can come from it anyway, right? Drew’s not so sure. Kendall may be all wrong, but he can’t stop thinking about her and he finds that some risks are worth taking. Because the stakes are always highest when you’re playing for keeps. 

Goodreads TBR: 

Blitzing Emily Goodreads-
Amazon- ($1.99) 
Amazon UK-
B&N- ($1.99)

Rushing Amy Goodreads-
Amazon- ($1.99)
Amazon UK-
B&N- ($1.99)

Catching Cameron Goodreads-
Amazon- ($2.99)
Amazon UK-
B&N- ($2.99)


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Book Blitz: Rival Love by Natalie Decker

Rival Love
Release Date: 08/26/14
Swoon Romance

Summary from Goodreads:
Skylar Fletcher is a proud Harris Academy Bulldog! She has everything she’s ever wanted: a perfect boyfriend, great friends, and her dream college waiting for her in the fall. But nothing lasts forever. Skylar's world shatters when her mom decides it is time to move and drags Skylar, kicking and screaming, into Bobcat territory.

At Delmont High School, home of the Bobcats, Skylar has no friends and is often bullied. To make matters worse, her home life sucks thanks to all-star quarterback Caleb Morgan, nephew of her mom's live-in boyfriend.

At first Skylar and Caleb want nothing to do with one another. But they soon discover they're not that different after all--and each is harboring a secret attraction to the other. But can a Bulldog and a Bobcat ever really be more than friends? And are Skylar and Caleb willing to risk everything to find out? Rival Love is a debut young adult contemporary romance from Natalie Decker.

Available from:

About the Author
Natalie Decker is the Author of Rival Love. She loves oceans, sunsets, sand between her toes, and carefree days. Her imagination is always going, which some find odd. But she believes in seeing the world in a different light at all times. Her first passion for writing started at age twelve when she had to write a poem for English class. However, seventh grade wasn’t her favorite time and books were her source of comfort. She took all college prep classes in High school, and attended the University of Akron. Although she studied Mathematics she never lost her passion for writing or her comfort in books. She’s a mean cook in the kitchen, loves her family and friends and her awesome dog infinity times infinity. If she’s not writing, reading, traveling, hanging out with her family and friends, then she’s off having an adventure. Because Natalie believes in a saying: Your life is your own journey, so make it amazing!

Author Links:
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$10 Amazon gift card + ebook of Rival Love (INT)
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Book Blitz Organized by:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Tour feat Review, Excerpt and MASSIVE Giveaway:
Thin Love by Eden Butler!!!!!

Title: Thin Love
Author: Eden Butler
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance crossover
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Tour Hosted By: As The Pages Turn


Love isn't supposed to be an addiction. It isn't supposed to leave you bleeding.

Kona pushed, Keira pulled, and in their wake, they left behind destruction.

She sacrificed everything for him.

It wasn't enough.

But the wounds of the past can never be completely forgotten and still the flame remains, slumbers between the pleasure of yesterday and the thought of what might have been.

Now, sixteen years later, Keira returns home to bury the mother who betrayed her, just as Kona tries to hold onto what remains of his NFL career with the New Orleans Steamers. Across the crowded bustle of a busy French Market, their paths collide, conjuring forgotten memories of a consuming touch, skin on skin, and the still smoldering fire that begs to be rekindled.

When Kona realizes the trifecta of betrayal—his, Keira's and those lies told to keep them apart—his life is irrevocably changed and he once again takes Keira down with him into the fire that threatens to ignite them both.

My Review:

This is a beautiful tale of an all-consuming love that is, at times, often volatile, toxic, and very much unhealthy. It’s also so captivating that you won’t want to put it down—even for a second.

I am a huge fan of Eden’s and was very excited when I heard about Thin Love. The premise was so different from her Serenity series that I just had to get my hands on it. The wait was excruciating as I’m not the most patient person but, as they say, good things come to those who wait. This is definitely the best work to come from Ms. Butler as she stepped up her game in what she delivered to us here.

Kona and Keira are from two different worlds.

He’s a 20-year-old college sophomore who likes to play games both on the field and in the bedroom. His only goal is to make it to the NFL with his twin, Luka, so they can one day get matching rings. That’s his dream. The only thing he’s truly working for.

She’s an 18-year-old college freshman who spent her entire life living under her Mother’s controlling thumb. Stay pretty. Get smart. Land a rich, good-looking, prominent man. Those are the things her Mother wants for her. Her only goal is to do whatever she needs to in order to break free. To make her own choices in life.

When the two are paired up for a project in class they find that perhaps they were too quick to judge one another. Being forced to spend time together isn’t entirely bad, and it’s not long before feelings arise between these two hot-tempered young adults. It’s a passionate affair. Explosive. Something that will be devastating to them both when it comes crashing down around them.

I absolutely loved Kona. I didn’t care that he often acted without thinking. I didn’t care that he made mistake after mistake. He wormed his way into my heart and there was no going back. He doesn’t do well under pressure and he often cracks because of it, but he’s a good guy. I would love to try and claim him but I’m afraid my friend would kill me. She laid claim to him long ago. Darn.

Keira is feisty. Headstrong. Stubborn. I absolutely adored her even though she left me wanting to pull my hair out at times. She was a great match for Kona and I loved that she never backed down from him. Not once. She does have violent tendencies that left me shaking my head a few times, but it’s a problem that they both shared.

I would have to give Thin Love 5 stars. It was the type of story that I found myself fully immersed in. A world that I never wanted to leave. The angst, the love, the passion, the anger … it never let up. I absolutely loved this book and definitely recommend that you pick up a copy for yourself!


Somewhere in their brief discussion, Keira noticed her fingers had moved from his temples to his thick hair. It happened absently, without her thinking about it, without his complaints. It took several moments before Keira realized they were staring at each other. There wasn’t anything significant in that moment, no weighted energy passing between them. There was only comfort and casualness and the curious thoughts they kept to themselves.

“Maybe Arthur’s love was too thick,” Kona said. “Or maybe Guinevere’s was. She was into them both—Arthur and Lancelot. Maybe she loved them both too much.”

“No, I don’t believe Guinevere loved either of them. With Arthur, it was power. With Lancelot it was lust. Both are thin love.”

“And thin love is bad?”

“That’s what Sethe tells Paul D, remember?”

Kona nodded, eyes shifted away from her face as he seemed held up by his own thoughts. “’Thin love ain’t love at all.’”


Kona’s gaze moved back to Keira, but he didn’t speak. The look he gave her expanded in the quiet of her room, stirred by his eyes growing darker, by the slow, constant rake of her fingers through his hair. He lifted his hand, stopping her fingers and held onto her wrist, eyes unblinking. Then something happened in that brief pause. The look they shared sharpened and the pull between them rose.

Kona sat up, slow, cautious and Keira watched him, watched unable to react, to respond, until Kona leaned toward her, until she could smell the drugging scent of his skin and feel the soft outline of his mouth. It was the pause of everything, a kindling of heat that Keira did not know how to contain—Kona’s soft lips against hers, his airy breath moving behind the hint of tongue—at once Keira felt drugged, controlled and manic.

Keira’s mouth worked against her will, a reaction, a gut feel of movement that she did not control and Kona seemed to love it, pulled her closer, guided her hands around his waist, up to that massive chest and Keira did not stop him.

She loved the sound of his throat vibrating, those low, delicious growls he made when her tongue touched his, when her mouth moved faster, harder. Before she realized what was happening, Kona leaned over her, had her caged against the pillows. Behind her closed eyes, Keira allowed only the sensations of touch and taste to filter into her mind and she knew, unconsciously, absolutely, that she wanted Kona Hale. She wanted his hands on her back, lowering; his mouth, tongue, down her neck nibbling. All that sensation, the fiery spark of their bodies connecting consumed her, made her feel drunk, wanted, beautiful. Cherished.

The sensation was overwhelming, consuming and Keira found she could not breathe, could not keep hold of her senses—the protective instinct to run from the sudden terror she felt.

She scrambled to her feet, stepping several paces away from Kona. “What are you doing?”

“Keira, if you don’t know—I mean, I get it, I do. You’re not used to attention, from guys. I get that.”

That’s what he thinks? That’s why he wants me?

She saw the hint of it in his eyes, that hungry scrutiny that told her it was the challenge to take her that had him wanting a taste of her. She felt like she had been doused with a bucket of ice water. She understood now. She got Kona’s interest in her and despite how disgusted it made her feel, Keira laughed.

“You think I’m a virgin, Kona?” When he only managed to look away from her, jaw clenching, Keira’s laughter grew, bubbled so that the sound was obnoxious and loud. “I might get nervous around guys, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been with anyone. And why are you changing the subject? You kissed me.” Keira chose to ignore the part where she had responded eagerly to his kiss. With Keira’s admission and her accusation, the large vein on Kona’s neck that stuck out when his temper flared was pumping against his dark skin like a drumbeat. “I told you this wasn’t a date.”

“I know that.”

“Then why did you kiss me?”

With one large hand rubbing the back of his neck, Kona made a strangled sound in the back of his throat. “Shit, Keira, there was a moment. Don’t pretend like you didn’t feel it. You did kiss me back. And don’t act like you didn’t feel it that night you were mugged.” He walked toward her and Keira found the room had grown smaller, that somehow she’d forgotten how large Kona was, how much space he took up. “There’s something going on between us and it’s got nothing to do with Legends or old musicals.” Kona stood in front of her and Keira wasn’t sure how she’d ended up with her back against the door and him looming over her, staring down at her like he was hungry, like he was hungry only for her.

She felt her pulse skidding against her neck, could feel that warmth that always radiated from Kona’s huge frame as he leaned toward her, as those enormous hand lay flat against the door, right next to her cheek.

“I never said there wasn’t something here.” She pushed back when he moved, eating up the small space between them. She fought the pull that threaded them together. It took strength. It took restraint she didn’t know she had, but Keira pushed against his chest to keep him off of her. “I also never said I was interested in finding out what that something is.”

“Bullshit.” Kona’s voice was thick and Keira didn’t like how smug he sounded. That sweet, contemplative boy from a few minutes ago was gone. Now only the entitled jackass remained and the attitude quickly reminded Keira why she’d been hesitant to be alone with him.

“No, it’s not bullshit.” Keira could feel her anger sharpen like a prick of needles against her stomach. It wasn’t the first time Kona had irritated her temper; just being near him seemed to invoke some sort of raw nerve that made her anger sharp and pulled swiftly to the surface. She hated his smirk and the stupid way his expression told her he thought she was being ridiculous. Condescending, her mother would call that look and that niggling voice echoed in her head, laid fuel on the simmering spark of her temper. “Why do you do that shit?” She pushed against his chest and he seemed caught, shocked by how high her voice had risen. “You’ve got this attitude like you know what I’m thinking. Like you think I’m seconds away from ripping your clothes off.” Keira pushed him again, but Kona didn’t budge and, to annoy her more, he smiled at her. She still managed to spit out, “I’m not. Trust me, I am so not.”

“You know, when you get pissed, you turn into a wildcat.”

“I have a temper, asshole.” Another push and Kona grabbed her wrist and held her hand against his chest.

“Why am I an asshole?”

Keira jerked back, trying to take a breath so that when she spoke again, her voice would be calm, even. “I’m not interested in you like that, Kona. The girls you’re with, I’m nothing like them. I don’t do hookups.”

The smile left his face and Keira could see his disappointment. She knew this was him; the casual attitude toward sex, the quick release, the heat, the passion, that was all he wanted. He wanted to touch, to taste. Kona didn’t want to feel and for Keira, that was all that mattered.

She had felt very little for so long. Her father’s death, her mother’s cruelty, it had left her vacant and open. She wanted that void to be filled, not just tapped off and quickly emptied again. She wanted the finish line, not the chase.

In that exasperated sigh and the quick eye roll, Keira knew Kona would never give her what she needed. “Well what the hell do you do?” Back again was the straight set of his shoulders, the defensive stance of a boy ready to fight.

“I don’t do thin love, Kona. I’ve seen what it does. I’ve seen how pathetic it is my whole life.” Keira caught a quick memory of her mother and stepfather from three weeks ago, sitting at the dining room table quietly taking their meal. They never looked at each other and in six years, Keira couldn’t remember them touching once. She was baring more of herself to Kona now, slipping him secrets she knew he’d only forget, but she wanted him to understand, to see what she needed. “I don’t want easy. I want the impossible. I want love so thick, I drown in it; it’s the only thing worth having and, I’m sorry Kona, you’re a nice guy when you’re not acting like an entitled jackass, but I really don’t think you’re capable of being anything more than that.”

Kona’s reaction was swift; a jerk back from her as though she’d leveled a quick fist into his stomach and he grabbed the doorknob. Keira saw the tension instantly return to his face. She guessed the headache had reemerged, that her words had erased any comfort her fingers had given him. But Kona didn’t complain, didn’t do more than open the door, funneling his anger away from her as he stared into the hallway.

“You don’t know me, Keira, and you don’t have a fucking clue what I’m capable of.”

About The Author:

Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” will launch October 2013.

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, thinking up impossible plots, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football.

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Release Blitz feat Giveaway: Thin Love by Eden Butler!!!!!!

Title: Thin Love
Author: Eden Butler
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance crossover
Release Date: August 19, 2014
Cover Designed By: Steven Novak


Love isn't supposed to be an addiction. It isn't supposed to leave you bleeding.

Kona pushed, Keira pulled, and in their wake, they left behind destruction.

She sacrificed everything for him.

It wasn't enough.

But the wounds of the past can never be completely forgotten and still the flame remains, slumbers between the pleasure of yesterday and the thought of what might have been.

Now, sixteen years later, Keira returns home to bury the mother who betrayed her, just as Kona tries to hold onto what remains of his NFL career with the New Orleans Steamers. Across the crowded bustle of a busy French Market, their paths collide, conjuring forgotten memories of a consuming touch, skin on skin, and the still smoldering fire that begs to be rekindled.

When Kona realizes the trifecta of betrayal—his, Keira's and those lies told to keep them apart—his life is irrevocably changed and he once again takes Keira down with him into the fire that threatens to ignite them both.

Buy the Book

Amazon / Amazon UK / iTunes / Smashwords

About The Author:

Eden Butler is an editor and writer of New Adult Romance and SciFi and Fantasy novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum. Her debut novel, a New Adult, Contemporary (no cliffie) Romance, “Chasing Serenity” will launch October 2013.

When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, thinking up impossible plots, Eden edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football.

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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Release Blitz feat Excerpt + Giveaway:
Combust by Tessa Teevan!!!!

Combust is the first in an Explosive spin-off series called The Wellingtons.

Title: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
Author: Tessa Teevan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 17, 2014


After years of being called a tease and then being labeled the Virgin Queen, Andi Kane decides that when she goes off to college, she's ready to ditch the labels. She's grabbing the bull by its horns and riding as wild as she can.

Fate must be smiling on her the night she meets Cohen Wellington, the cute boy-next-door and fellow music lover. Their connection is instant, and as the night progresses, she knows she's found The One. doesn't go exactly the way she had planned it. And even though she can't get him off her mind, some humiliations are just too much to overcome. She walks away, never planning to see him again.

Three years and a whole lot of experience later, Andi and Cohen are suddenly drawn together again, and it doesn't take long before it's clear their connection is stronger than ever.

Fate. Destiny. Kismet. Whatever you want to call it, these two fall hard and fall fast. Their love burns hot, but when their plans for the future seem to move in two different directions, will it be enough to sustain the flames, or will the fire consume them, their relationship combusting before their very eyes?

Sometimes love comes quickly without question, without hesitation, and without fear. But this kind of love is once in a lifetime, and sometimes you just have to ask yourself, can it really last?


She stands up and begins looking around. “She was actually just here about ten minutes ago, but I told her you weren’t due in until one. She said she’d wait, but I don’t see her.” She continues looking until her eyes light up. “Oh, there she is. I’d spot that beautiful red hair anywhere. She’s at the table in the corner, her back turned to us.”

At the mention of beautiful red hair, my heart nearly skips a beat. I mentally ridicule myself. I have no idea why I still think every single redhead I see is going to be Andi. As I turn to see where Mrs. Marsh is pointing, I easily spot the redhead. I’m about to thank her and head towards the back table when someone across from her nods in my direction. Slowly, she turns her head, and as our eyes meet, I can’t move from my spot.

Less than twenty feet away from me is the girl I’ve been simultaneously looking for and avoiding for the past three years.

The girl whose mixtape has nearly worn out from continuous play.

The girl I’m supposed to tutor and not five minutes ago I made a vow to keep my hands off of.

Less than twenty feet away from me is Andi. For the first time in over three years, I’m face to face with her. Ruby.

Other Books by Tessa

Explosive series

Ignite (Explosive #1)
Incinerate (Explosive #2)
Inflame (Explosive #3)


Sweet Southern series

Sweet Southern Sorrow (Sweet Southern #1)

About Tessa:

I'm a twenty six year old book junkie who is also obsessed with sports. Bengals, Buckeyes, Reds are my teams! I work for the government during the day, hang out with Air National Guard on the weekends, and am married to a guy 15 inches taller than me. We're quite the pair! We currently live right outside of Dayton, OH with our two cats.

I've been reading since I was a kid. My mom was a librarian, so it was a given. Heck, she even made sure we watched Wishbone instead of the Smurfs. In 2011 when I graduated from college, my mom bought me a Nook, and then in the summer of 2012 I found this amazing site called Goodreads. I was introduced to so many amazing indie/self-published authors. After reading almost 400 books that year, my husband gave me the push to finally sit down and write my own. It was a rocky start, but over time the words started flowing and I couldn't get Jace and Lexi out of my head.

If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.

I LOVE to hear from readers, so please feel free to contact via any social media site listed below.

Follow Her Here: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Review feat Giveaway-The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco

The Girl from The Well   Author: Rin Chupeco
Sourcebooks Fire ● August 5, 2014 ● ISBN: 9781402292187
Hardcover/$16.99 U.S. ● Ages 14+

Praise for The Girl From the Well:
“[A] Stephen King–like horror story…A chilling, bloody ghost story that resonates.” –Kirkus Reviews

“Chupeco makes a powerful debut with this unsettling ghost story…told in a marvelously disjointed fashion from Okiku’s numbers-obsessed point of view, this story unfolds with creepy imagery and an intimate appreciation for Japanese horror, myth, and legend.” –Publishers Weekly, STARRED

“The Girl from the Well is part The Ring, part The Grudge and part The Exorcist…A fantastically creepy story sure to keep readers up at night… Okiku is one of the most interesting YA characters to date.” RT Book Reviews,  4 ½ STARS-TOP PICK!

“A dark novel that will appeal to horror fans, lovers of Elizabeth Scott’s ‘Living Dead Girl.’” –School Library Journal

 The Ring meets The Exorcist in this haunting and lyrical re-imagining of the Japanese fable.
Okiku has wandered the world for hundreds of years, setting free the spirits of murdered children. Wherever there’s a monster hurting a child, her spirit is there to deliver punishment. Such is her existence, until the day she discovers a troubled American teenager named Tark and the dangerous demon that writhes beneath his skin, trapped by a series of intricate tattoos. Tark needs to be freed, but there is one problem—if the demon dies, so does its host.
With the vigilante spirit Okiku as his guide, Tark is drawn deep into a dark world of sinister doll rituals and Shinto exorcisms that will take him far from American suburbia to the remote valleys and shrines of Japan. Can Okiku protect him from the demon within or will her presence bring more harm? The answer lies in the depths of a long-forgotten well.


That was creepy but oh so creepy in a good way. The opening scene was only the tip of the iceberg in The Girl from the Well. Surprisingly, it gets even creepier and chilling, i absolutely loved it! This is a book for any and all fans of horror and even if you're not a fan, still try the book out. You may be surprised.

The story seriously starts off with a bang. It's like "BAM" your hit right in the face with scary goodness and obviously you have to keep on reading to get more. So... Read on was what I did to get more from the story. Let me tell you, reading alone at night is NOT a good idea. The Ring and The Grudge are two of my favorite movies to date and I couldn't help but think of them. I couldn't help thinking of Samara as she climbs stealthily out of my TV. Crud I am giving myself the creeps as I type this now.

Okiku is our protagonist of this wonderful story that's inspired by a ghost story in Japanese folklore, Bancho sarayashiki. So we start the book off with the sort of man that would make you sick. A murder. The girl he murdered is on his back although he cannot see her. Okiku and the girl will make sure no one will ever see him again. And quite honestly, I don't sympathize with the man in the least. He gets whats coming to him.

We meet a disturbed boy named Tark and you know the boy has deep issues. For some reason Okiku is intrigued by him. So we follow him through Okiku's eyes, while also getting to be in his head as well. Along with Tark is his cousin, Callie, who is a school teacher. Her part in the story is cool because she knows something creepy is going on and she wants to get to the bottom of it. I really liked her. 

What would a creepy book be without some equally creepy characters? There are a lot of them but I'll keep you in the dark(no pun intended) because I'm mean like that ;)

Seriously, I highly recommend this book. From a debut author, I think I can honestly say that we can expect great things from Rin Chupeco. Her writing is flawless and easy to read, and not to mention her characters are great. Okiku is a fresh and likable heroine. Yes, I totally think she is great! 

*Thank you to Sourcebooks Fire for providing me with a copy for an honest review.

Rin Chupeco: Despite uncanny resemblances to Japanese revenants, Rin Chupeco has always maintained her sense of humor. Raised in Manila, Philippines, she keeps four pets: a dog, two birds, and a husband. She’s been a technical writer and travel blogger, but now makes things up for a living. The Girl from the Well is her debut novel. Connect with Rin at


One winner will receive a copy of The Girl from the Well but it's only associated with readers from US/Canada only. Sorry! 

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blog Tour Review feat Giveaway: For Fallon by Soraya Naomi


We all have a façade, a concealed mask we wear to portray ourselves to the world. 

Fallon’s mask is real, what you see is what you get. Growing up with two loving parents in Chicago, graduating in Chicago, and now working a job she loves, she enjoys her life. 

Her untarnished world is shaken when Luca crosses her path. 

Luca’s mask is tightly controlled. Distrust, rivalry, and violence rule his life.

When confronted with insecurities, when the one you love wears his mask perfectly, when your life unravels and you don’t know why, do you keep trusting the person you love? 

Everyone has a façade. Everyone has an ulterior motive.


 Mobsters, betrayals, lies, romance. For Fallon has it all. I relatively went into the story blind. I didn't read the synopsis and I was happy with the outcome. The first page in I knew this was going to be a good book. How good I wasn't sure, but I knew that Fallon was a character I liked. There were a few instances in the book that somewhat annoyed me. I also noticed that the dialogue was sometimes stilted at times but I liked the story enough to where it didn't bother me too much. 

The story starts off with Fallon and her friend going out to a club when she finds herself enamored with a beautiful man who can't see to take his eyes off her as well. Once the two meet, sparks fly and there's no going back. The story is told from both the pov of Fallon and Mr.Mystery man, Luca. From the very beginning we know something terrible is going on but we don't know what it is. 

And boy does it get exciting!! So much drama, so much deceit, I just love it!!! This is my first mafia-type book and now I'm already searching for another one like it. 

After a certain part in the book, things just blow up. At that time I wasn't able to put the book down. I just had to know what happened. Then that ending happened and i was left with why. Like why is this over and why do I have to wait? If you like mafia stories and books that keep your jaw dropped, then this is for you. 

His gaze is piercing through me. He tilts his head and arcs one brow in silent question, Need any help?
I almost imperceptibly nod my head.
Mystery man speaks to his company, who’s leaning with his back against the bar. The other guy whips his head around to look at me and is obviously not agreeing with his friend’s intention to intervene. He disregards his friend’s comment and comes over to Nick and me. He walks right up to us to place a secure arm around my waist, tucking me gently into his side and turning slightly, so I’m engulfed in his one arm embrace. His breath strokes over my temple while he speaks. “I’m taking her for a dance.” His deep, throaty voice which exudes sensuality fits him perfectly in his tailored suit. The guyglowers at Nick, daring Nick to defy him. His intimidating stance has Nick backing off instantly, and he leads us both away with his arm firmly holding my middle.
I don’t even look back at Nick. My eyes are glued to this man. My mouth quirks up in a smile as he shows me an enthralling sidelong grin.
When I’m about to ask his name, he halts. “You’re welcome,” he whispers the words against my ear. And again, he strolls away.

About the Author: 

Soraya Naomi resides in Europe with her entrepreneur fiancé. She attended university in The Netherlands.

Although she reads many genres, she favors intense, dark, seductive, and provocative novels where the male character loves fiercely without remorse or boundaries. 

She has a passionate obsession for the written word and indulges in chocolate pastries much too often. 

There are books full of great writing that don't have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story... don't be like the book-snobs who won't do that. 
Read sometimes for the words--the language. Don't be like the play-it-safers who won't do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book. 
― Stephen King 


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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Promo Post: Where You Are by Alla Kar

Where You Are by Alla Kar 
Release Date: 07/29/14
Swoon Romance
New Adult

Summary from Goodreads:

Got boy problems? Call Laney Scott. She's good for advice, a shoulder, or a swift kick where you need it. When her roommate Bethany gets her heart broken, yet again, it's Laney to the rescue. But Laney's harboring a secret. She's nursing her own broken heart. She and her friends come up with a plan to break Aiden and set it into play. Laney wants Aiden to pay for what he's done to Bethany. She will make him fall in love with her, so can break his heart.

Laney's ex-boyfriend Lachlan Hems is back in Florida, still Australian and sexy as hell. His best mate Lucas is getting married, and he is in town for the show. He just didn’t realize Laney would be there … in another guy’s arms, or that seeing her again would have such an effect on him. After the incident in high-school, he vowed to never care for her again. But sometimes fate has different plans.

When Laney’s resolve crumbles, Lachlan is the only one that can put her back together again.

Where You Are is the start of a three-books new adult series from Amazon and Barnes and Noble bestselling author Alla Kar.

What inspired me to write Where You Are.
Every author has reasons why they write what they write. This story is so close to my heart because I know how it feels for your past to haunt you. Everyone has regrets, and I choose to write about one that isn’t written about a lot. Healing and forgiving yourself is such an important part in moving on. I wanted to write a story that readers could connect with.
I know I’ve done my job when someone says that they loved the heartache in the novel. Or felt the sorrow. That’s what I wanted to portray. Even though Laney is a goof ball, she hides behind sarcasm and humor. But in the end she’s hurting more than anyone will ever know.
This novel is probably one of my favorites of my own. I hope that everyone else loves it too! 

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About the Author
I go by Alla Kar. I live in the Deep South with my husband, Chihuahua and pit-bull puppy. I love to bring southern gentlemen, alpha males and all things new adult to life. I am an Amazon Best-Selling Author!

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