Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fallen Tears Review

Goodreads Summary:
An élite club of shamed angels – the Fallen – welcomes disgraced super-naturals, like me. Defiant and vengeful, we’re catalysts in destruction and mayhem, much to our angelic adversaries’ dismay. Satisfying the void left in our soulless bodies motivates many Fallen to play with feeble humans. For even though we wield infernal-powers, they have one thing we crave.
As a Fallen, an infinite number of days lay before me – if I choose. The Big Man upstairs always gives us a choice. I can accept my fate and perish, or consume a human’s soul and live. The last one I devoured glows like a firefly inside my chest. One day, it’ll flicker and fade into darkness. The Archangels who cast me from heaven would claim victory in the everlasting battle we wage, unless I consume another.
My next victim? A young man with ridiculously enticing lips. Gorgeous doesn’t define his otherworldly appearance. His vogue hairstyle accentuates his sky-blue eyes. His laugh echoes in my ears. His perfect smile is burned to memory. The undeniable urge to consume his soul unveils my wicked inhibitions. I want him… his soul. One teeny problem – he’s protected by a Guardian angel.

My Thoughts:
“For when Angels sin, they fall.” Pg. 11 (nook color)

Miriam is an Angel of Death who is betrayed by her best friend and sister, Jezebell. We first meet the two when Miriram is bringing a soul to the gatekeeper. He then informs Miriam that the soul’s life she took was not yet supposed to die; that he still had yet to fulfill his destiny. She is then stripped of her wings and is destined to live a damned life as a Fallen.

How unfair is that?!

It was not Miriam’s fault by a long shot; how was she to know her own sister would do such a viscous thing?

We come in to the present day and find out that they only way for Miriam to survive is by taking human souls aka killing. She enrolls in a school, and voila! She meets Lincoln who is oh so gorgeous and Miriam’s latest victim. But here is the catch…he is also her soulmate!

What the what??? How…?! Why!!!! Then I thought...oooh this is going to be good! And I wasn’t disappointed in the least. Lincoln is popular, beautiful, and nice. Sound boring? Well it wasn’t, he is great. He also has a jerk of an ex girlfriend who apparently has not been told that she is the big fat X. She is not that significant to me, so I won’t even bother talking about her.

Want to know a secret about her soulmate/latest meal? Lincoln's Guardian Angel is none other than an Angel that Miriam was training back when she wasn't a Fallen. Neat huh?

So back to Lincoln in Miriam, or should I say Miri. That is the name she goes by. She also is able to change her whole appearance! (And I want to say more but I don’t want to give everything away in the book.) I like her actual appearance though (as does Lincoln) because she is more real, also she has tattoos! I don’t even like tattoos either, but they work so well for Miri. Anyways, I am getting sidetracked again. I really enjoyed Miri as a main character. She is strong and bad a**. It is amazing how she tries so hard to be good even though in her mind she thinks she is bad. The ultimate anti-hero is what I kept thinking while reading. Usually it is a man or the boy in the story who plays the “bad” guy but deep downs has good intentions. Not in this case though! Girls Rule.*sticks tongue out*

Fallen Tears proves that love really does conquer all. Overall, I highly recommend reading this wonderful story that is full of romance and action. It will leave you breathless and rooting for two people to race against the odds of being together. The ultimate test of true love is being able to overcome all the obstacles the world throws at you. And in the end being so much stronger than you were in the first place. You can't beat that folks.

To Ms. Sarah J Pepper:
Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review your book. I love how real your characters were and also how relatable they were. I look forward to reading more books from you.

Connect with Sarah:
Twitter: @sarahjpepper
facebook: & www.facebook.come/thefatetrilogybysarahjpepper

Giveaway time!

Would you like to win a copy of Fallen Tears? Today is your lucky day! Here is what you need to do:
1. Follow Sarah on all her social media sites
2. Follow me on twitter and my blog please:)
3. This includes tweeting about the giveaway and review
4. This is most important...leave a comment below about whether or not you believe love conquers all. Also leave your email address so we can get back to the winner!

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